Not Today! Protecting Your Energy and Maintaining Your Inner Peace.

I feel compelled to discuss this because it is very important to me and it needs to be discussed. It has been weighing heavily on my mind so I have to talk about this.  By the way, I will use the word ‘disengage’  quite a bit in this blog.

YOU have to determine the type of energy you will or will NOT allow into your space when it comes to protecting your energy.  I have learned over the years and more recently that I don’t have to go to every “party” I am invited to.  What I mean by this is that I don’t have to respond to EVERYTHING.  I pick and choose my battles.  Silence really is golden-especially when I am invited to a party I don’t want to attend.  I am learning to respectfully decline “invites”nowadays.

Protecting your energy means disengaging from people, places and things that disturbs your inner peace.  This also includes your own thoughts, feelings and emotions.  It means staying centered in stressful and emotionally charged events. 

One of the many ways I protect my energy is recognizing when I am being baited into nonsense.  The old me wouldn’t hesitate to go back and forth with someone to get my point across or get them to see things my way.  Now, I move in silence.  I find so much peace being silent.  I have always been a relatively quiet person and I speak when necessary.  This is not to say that if you are a social person you should not be who you are.  Being social is a great thing.  What I am saying is that it is important to pick and choose your battles when it comes to emotionally charged situations. Staying centered during these exchanges is important.  You don’t have to respond to people or situations that disrupt your energy and inner peace.  The results from these types of situations typically will not end well for you.

A while ago I encountered a situation where I almost gave away my power and didn’t do a great job of protecting my peace.  I will spare you the details but prior to this situation I was feeling great, focused and centered before they “showed up”.  Then it happened.  In one moment, I allowed myself to feel badly about a situation from the past.  This person that showed up reminded me of pain, rejection and deceit.  I allowed someone to come in my mental space and take me back to a point in my life I worked hard to move on from. I was determined not to stay there. I wanted to revert to my old self and confront the person and escalate the situation to get my point across.  I felt like I was being baited into drama and this person wanted me to make a move.


It was hard for me because I felt that this person was trying to bait me into their nonsense and I almost obliged them.  I was in my feelings.  I began to create “stories” about why this person was in my mental space and what their motives may be.  I got amped up and was ready to accept their “invite”.  This was unnecessary drama that I didn’t need in my life.  How would any type of response to this person or situation improve my life? How will I feel about myself after giving into the temptation to tell this person off?  See where this is going?  YOU have the power to control where your energy is spent.  Remember, nobody can steal your joy unless you allow them to steal your joy! I worked too hard to get where I am to allow myself to give into situations that take me into the “sunken place”.

I had to take a step back and understand that this person is struggling with who they are. There was potentially something going on within them that caused them to seek me out and invite me to party with them.   Think about it, if this person was happy and secure with themselves, they wouldn’t be doing what they were doing.  I had to redirect my thoughts and understand that it wasn’t about the other person.  It was about me and how I was going to protect my energy and maintain my inner peace.

Protecting your energy can be challenging in today’s world.  There’s so much turmoil and chaos around us but there is also a lot of good around us as well.  Focusing on what truly matters…YOU and understanding that you have the choice in regards to how you respond not REACT to stressful or emotionally charged situations. I came up with some ways you can protect your energy and maintain your inner peace.

Disconnect from negative people and situations.

This comes natural to me. I never had an issue disconnecting from negative people and the situations that involve them.  I need my space.  However, my peace was also being disrupted constantly.  Now,  I know myself well enough to recognize the physiological changes that happen within my body when I am around individuals who harbor negative energy.  I don’t like feeling that way so I remove myself from people and situations that drain my energy.

Sometimes we can’t escape negative energy.  The situation doesn’t allow us to physically leave the situation.  I have been in several situations where I  had to be around someone’s negative energy.  It’s tough.  I am still a work in progress so there are times I am triggered and want to react to their negative words and actions.  For example, I am easily annoyed by argumentative people.  They will take any and every conversation (mostly trivial) and turn it into an argument or a back and forth session.  I can’t engage with the argumentative/disagreeable individual.  It’s pointless to go back and forth with them. They are ALWAYS right.  You will ALWAYS be wrong.  I give myself permission to walk away or disengage from those conversations. I know my triggers and there are some things I simply can’t give my energy to.  I have learned that I don’t have to prove anything.  I don’t have to prove that I am smart.  I don’t have to PROVE my intelligence-it will speak for itself.   I will ask questions when I don’t know something.  I wasn’t always like that.  I used to be afraid to ask questions because I didn’t want people to think I was dumb or not as smart as they are.   I am more self-aware and  self-assured and I know who I am so it’s okay.

What people think or feel about me is not my business so if they leave the conversation feeling they are smarter or “more right” than me, that’s fine.  I don’t lose sleep over what people think anymore.  I protect my peace by trusting myself and knowing that I am doing what is right for me. That includes removing myself from situations that trigger my emotions in a negative way.

It’s okay to verbally communicate your wishes to walk away from conversations that disrupt your energy.  Be honest and clear in your communication.

Disengage from social media.

social media
Social media has been one of the biggest contributors to the mass distribution of news, calls to action, social injustice activism,  business branding, etc.  I LOVE social media. I am a VERY active user of social media for personal and business branding.  I love connecting with family, friends and brand influencers at my leisure.  Social media provides access to various forms of information in one click.  BUT there are times when social media can be one of the biggest contributors to the disruption of my inner peace. It can be overwhelming at times.

I have learned to disengage when I feel overwhelmed.  Believe it or not,  social media is a partial  extension of who we are.   No matter how many times I hear someone say “Social media isn’t real.” I have to somewhat disagree.  Social media practically runs our lives. There’s a vast amount of intel  we can gather on a person on just about every social media platform.   However, it can give us a false sense of reality.  Everything is not what it seems.

What we see: The happy  couple that everyone adores and looks up to because they are always posting pics of their “happy” life.

What we don’t see: They are  both are unhappy and contemplating divorce but they don’t want everyone to know that they are having problems so they present a facade to the masses that they are happy.

Exhibit B:
What we see: The doting girlfriend who posts the “usies” pics of her and her boyfriend with all of the romantic, lovey dovey hashtags.

What we don’t see: The insecurity she harbors inside of herself and about their relationship or the red flags she has been ignoring but refuses to let him go because she doesn’t want to be alone.

See where this is going?

Social media is a curating tool for us to be whatever we want to be.  Nobody is going to show the dark side-only the good.  What we don’t want others to know about us, we don’t have to divulge.

Disconnecting from social media and reconnecting to myself is one of the ways I protect my energy.  Lately there have been several events that have taken place regarding the countless black lives lost due to police brutality.  It takes a toll on me and while I use social media to help bring awareness to these issues, it does take a toll on my emotional well-being.  I had to give myself permission to disconnect and regroup.  I don’t have to share every blog post about the social injustice or comment on the blogs in response to the nasty, hate-filled comments I see.  I used to react to such commentary by these keyboard cowards and try to get them to see how wrong they were.  All that did was make me more angry and off course.  Now, I protect my energy by not taking the time to read the blog comments on social injustice issues.  I know that there is hate out there and I don’t need to subject myself to it by actively looking for it.

Set personal boundaries.

Setting boundaries is a priority when it comes to protecting your energy.  Never apologize for protecting your peace. It’s okay to say no to something you don’t want to do and not feel guilty for doing so.  I had a conversation with someone close to me about this.  We talk about setting boundaries and why feeling guilt for saying no is commonplace for us.  I had to unpack the guilt I felt for saying no or telling someone I can’t do this or that for them.   Setting personal boundaries may upset your family, friends and colleagues; they may even try to make you feel badly for setting boundaries. That is okay.  Self-love means acting on what YOU need.  Have you noticed that when you say yes when you mean no doesn’t make YOU feel good?

Self-care is self explanatory.  You are not taking care of yourself when you do things for other people out of guilt or fear of upsetting them.  Living your life to make others comfortable disrespecting you or crossing your personal boundaries is NOT self-love.

PS: It’s okay to say NO! I learned to say no to things and it feels good saying no when I mean no. Saying yes to things when you mean no only hurts you.  You’re not operating under authenticity.

I have learned to use my voice to speak my truth and to stand up for myself when I feel that my personal boundaries are not respected.  Give yourself permission to stand up for yourself, set boundaries and don’t feel guilty for doing so.  I used to internalize the psychological projections (defending yourself against your own unconscious impulses/behaviors/qualities and and attributing them to others) from other people and make it my issue.  Here’s an example of psychological projection : A habitual liar will accuse other people of being habitual liars.

Helpful Hint: Speaking up for yourself may seem overwhelming and scary initially. Be mindful of how you are feeling and your emotions when addressing others about crossing your boundaries.

You don’t want to exacerbate the situation into something possibly more negative by being defensive and eager to prove a point.  There’s a difference between being assertive and aggressive.   Choose wisely.   You can read more about setting boundaries here.

Recognize and understand what you are feeling.
There were times in the past where I didn’t always recognize my feelings or why I was feeling them.  I would simply react.  I just knew that I was mad, upset or disappointed at the time and I needed to do something about it. Self-preservation at its finest.   Now, I recognize my feelings and unpack why I feel the way I feel (feel the feels).  I understand that I am responsible for my own behavior and well-being no matter what someone else says or does.  Protecting your peace and energy requires self-awareness.  Before my “awakening” I was aware that I was upset but didn’t take the time to unpack my triggers.   I would go off and allow my anger to push me to say and do things that I would later feel badly about and subsequently apologize for.  Now that I am in tune with my emotions and feelings, I take the time to unpack my triggers and be honest with myself in regards to my feelings.

There’s a lot to be said about meditation.  I swear by it.  It has become a weekly routine for me.  I stated in a previous blog that  I meditate to focus and center myself.  Meditation is a great way to clear your mind, release any negative energy your body has been harboring throughout the day/week and invite the positive energy into your physical and mental space.   You can find more about meditation here. This is a great way to protect your peace and maintain your power.

Wear earphones.

This may sound crazy but I swear by it.  I wear earphones at work all of the time.  My job role allows me the awesome privilege of wearing earphones.   I realize that this method may not work for everyone due to various circumstances/job roles but if you can, I promise you it works!  Wearing earphones at work keeps me in control of what I hear and allow into my space.  I hear conversations ranging from politics to whispers of gossip about someone in the office.  I protect my peace from these external variants by listening to podcasts, music or audio books.  I love it because I am in control and not subjecting myself to pointless banter that doesn’t contribute to my life in a positive way.

PS. Be responsible.  Don’t wear earphones at work meetings because you don’t want to hear your coworker nag about pointless issues. You will get fired! LOL! 

Stop being a martyr.
In psychology martyr’s are described as  people who unnecessarily endure willful suffering in the name of love or duty.  There is nothing wrong with helping others or showing compassion to others.  What I am referring to are people who continuously put themselves on the front lines for others but refuse to take care of their own needs.  I struggled with this for many years.  Most of my life I grew up in church.  We were always taught that God blesses those who put themselves last in so many words.  Martyrdom is unrewarding and at the end of the day, it is you that is left empty and unfulfilled.  I have been guilty of this. I have watched myself give to others consistently all while these same people go about their lives not giving a d@mn.  I’m not suggesting you do things for others to receive something in return but when you take care of yourself you are less likely to put yourself in situations where you always the giver and never receive.   Mind you, I am not saying be some selfish, self-service jerk to people.  That is not the message here.  The message is don’t feel badly for looking out for and protecting YOU.

Practice gratefulness.
I mentioned this in my last blog.  Being grateful is one of many ways I stay intact.  When I feel down and out, I start to think about the good that is happening in my life.  There’s so much tragedy and sadness happening around us.   The fact that you are alive and breathing is enough to be grateful for.  I have many things to be grateful for and when I start counting my blessings, I feel much better.  Write a list of all of the things you are grateful for.  Even in the most dire circumstances, finding the good can be challenging-let’s be real but I challenge you to find it.

Dwelling on the negative only sets the stage for more disappointment and in some cases depression.  Life is too short to ruminate on negative thinking or replaying past “injuries” or “injustices”.  For example,  I have been dealing with being wronged by someone I really loved and cared about.  I know my triggers and feeling “played” incites me to get some “street justice” and right what was wronged.  I was consumed by it.  I really wanted this person to pay because I didn’t feel that I deserved to be treated in such a manner.  I finally had to stop and ask myself what good was this doing for me and my well being?

Yes it was hurtful but I was giving this person too much credit as to the impact they had on me and my life.  I had to look at how much I have grown and how this person’s actions pushed me to be better.  Protecting my peace meant wishing them well and moving on with my own life and focusing on the only thing that matters…ME! I don’t need to pursue revenge.  My mama raised me better than that!  I am grateful for the lesson learned.  It was a priceless lesson that will stay with me forever. Sometimes those lessons hurt but we have to find the good in the hurt.  Most of the time we can find the good in hurtful situations.   It doesn’t seem like it at times but there is if you look for it.   Being grateful for the lessons life teaches us is  Protecting my peace also meant that you reap what you sow…good and bad.  We are human and we will make mistakes, poor decisions and not always at our best but the goal is to strive towards greatness even when it seems unattainable.

In conclusion…

Protecting your energy and inner peace is non negotiable.  It’s okay to walk away from conversations and people that awaken your triggers.  If you know that certain things will get you upset or mad, WALK AWAY!  If you can’t walk away,  take deep breaths, be mindful of what you are feeling and center yourself.  It’s okay to say no to the things that are not in alignment with your inner peace.  It’s okay to decline invites.  You are not obligated to give an explanation to anyone when you say no.  I’m learning that protecting my energy will likely upset some people but I’m okay with that.  I have the right to put myself first and I won’t neglect myself to make others comfortable.  This may sound harsh but I am unapologetic when it comes to protecting Shontelle.  For so long, I have allowed others to dictate how I should or shouldn’t feel, what I should or shouldn’t do or what I should or should not think.  It’s draining and at the end of the day I am the one that ends up frustrated and upset.  As I mentioned before it’s not what you say but how you say so when you are protecting your energy, do it from a place of assertiveness, compassion and kindness.  You don’t have to be a jack@$$ to get your point across.

You are responsible for the energy you bring to the table. 

I hope this message resonated with you now and the future.  Commit to protecting your energy and inner peace.  You have the power and there is nothing anyone can do to take that from you unless you allow it.

Please send me an email at if you have any questions or simply need a listening ear.

Follow me on IG @thehonestaquarian.  You can also find me on Facebook under the same user handle.

Until next time…


To the Left…To the Left! How I Moved On From Heartbreak to Happiness. When Life Gives You Lemons…

In my last blog I discussed the demise of my long term/long distance relationship that ended six months ago.   My relationship of 3 1/2 years was over and my ex had already moved on to someone new within weeks of our breakup.  I kept asking myself “How could he move on so quickly?” I was in denial.  I didn’t want to believe that this person was already in his life in some way or form before our relationship ended.  For some odd reason,  that doesn’t even matter to me. This is the type of person who thrives on attention from the opposite sex and would use that to his advantage.

It was naive of me to think he just “suddenly” found someone new after we broke up.  It wasn’t that quickly. See he had already prepared his “escape plan” weeks, maybe even months before things ended between us.  He was waiting on the perfect time to execute his plan.  But this is NOT about’s about how I took lemons and made some spiked lemonade.

Besides loss of a loved one, heartbreak is probably one of the toughest things you will ever go through in life.  You are grieving a loss. When someone close to us dies,  there is a finale.  It’s the end.  We will never see them again.  We can close the chapter and try to move on the best way we can while still remembering our loved one and cherishing their memory.   This is not necessarily true when it comes to the finale of a relationship.  The curtain is closed.  Exit stage left.  DONE!

But it isn’t always the end.  In some cases, we are still connected.  With social media swiftly replacing face to face interaction we can find ourselves still connected to “that person” via social media.   We can still be connected through mutual friends, following them, etc. This person doesn’t always just disappear.  With one click of a button, we can still remain connected to what we loss.

When we are mourning the loss of a relationship, the pain seems insurmountable.  You can’t sleep, eat or function because your mind is fixated on “the loss”.  I can’t say how many times I would wake up thinking about my ex and go to bed thinking about him.  I knew that he didn’t deserve my tears or the mental energy I was devoting to his being but I was hurt and I never thought our relationship would end so horribly.  I am not here to bash him.  That is not the objective here.  I am telling a story-my personal truth in what I was dealing with and how I was able to move on from it.  Writing about this loss is therapeutic for me.


I am coming to you from a place of authenticity.  I feel that people can relate to you when you come to them from a place of honesty, authenticity and transparency.   I am not here to bash anyone.  I am merely speaking my truth.  There aren’t too many in the general public that were privy to my last relationship. I was never one to tag him in pics of our nights out or “mark my territory” on social media in regards to our relationship. If he reads my blog and gets upset, he can email me. LOL!  But seriously, in the spirit of transparency, I want to let my viewers know that my words are not meant to make anybody look or feel badly.  It is my truth and I will not apologize for that.

I thrived on the secrecy of the relationship.  We were the Beyonce and Jay-z of relationships when it came to secrecy (lol).  I wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing my life on this blog if our relationship was displayed to the masses.  His identity is relatively unknown to most and those who do know who he is have already heard my side of the story so what I am saying is nothing new. He can always start his own blog if he cares to share his side. LOL!

There are many relationship/self love blogs out there and I am not an expert by any means. I am telling you how it worked for me as someone who came from little to moderate self-love to a life-changing experience to recapturing my power, enhancing my self-love and emotional well-being.


“I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you, and I still love you even though we are not together.”

This is one of the last texts I received from my ex.  I share this because it tells my story.  It reveals the exchange that went on post breakup and to exhibit how I allowed myself to fall for the bait.  Do I feel he meant this? Probably.  However, he had already started seeing someone else when he sent this to me so it didn’t carry much weight.  Imagine my excitement seeing the man I loved had reached out to me to tell me that he loved me even though things didn’t work out.  It happens.  We know the relationship isn’t working and you have to let go.  However, the love and feelings we have for that person do not automatically leave us.  It stays with us…for a while.

I refer to my past relationship quite often because it was one of the major life lessons in 2016.   I used that experience to aid in my transition.  It wasn’t easy at first.  I was hurt and wanted to get back at my ex.  I wanted revenge because I discovered something hurtful and what felt like major betrayal.  I was a mess!    I refused to be a victim to my situation.  It just wasn’t me.  I had to fight him back.  I could hear Beyonce’s ‘Don’t Hurt Yourself’ in the back of my head as I became increasingly enraged by what I saw.  Yes revenge would have been sweet (screenshots are awesome!) but I wasn’t that person. Upon finding out that he already had found a “replacement” put me in an uncomfortable space.  I felt betrayed.

I felt that there was some overlap.  I thought to myself how can a person truly be healed from a past relationship if they can go from one relationship into another in a month?   It wasn’t rocket science.  I tried several times to rationalize what happened but the facts were there. Little did I know he was hiding something.  He had already started something with his new girl (most likely while we were still together).  Let’s be real.

When there is relationship overlap, the person who has checked out of the relationship has already had time to deal with the loss and move on.   It may not be the healthiest way to deal but that is how many people choose to move on.  This is how a person can quickly move from one relationship to another.  However, it doesn’t mean they are healed.  The new relationship serves as band aid or a way for them not to deal with their inner issues or come to terms with the breakup.  The new person is a distraction. Eventually the unresolved issues resurface in the new relationship if the individual doesn’t take the time to be introspective and honest with themselves.  True story.

My instincts knew he had already moved on with someone (Follow your instincts-ALWAYS!) but I was in denial.  It was just a month post breakup, feelings were still there and I really wanted the relationship to work out. I refused to believe what I already knew to be true.  The man I felt I knew was honest and that is one thing I always respected about him, he was honest almost to a flaw.  WRONG! He wasn’t honest.  He was  deceptive and far from forthcoming.  I knew there was more to his story but when I approached him about there being “someone else”.  He denied and deflected.   He graduated summa cum laude from the schools of Deflection and Avoidance.  Disclaimer: After a breakup, your ex’s love life is none of your business. However, when an ex comes to you under false pretenses or unclear motives/intentions…ASK QUESTIONS!! Especially when your instincts are telling you that there is some trickery going on!

I wasn’t going to involve his new love interest or myself in his drama.    She would soon see him for who he is at some point.  He was no longer my problem nor my concern.  The old me wanted to expose the very person who ripped my heart out of my chest and make him suffer the same fate I felt he had placed on me.  But why? What would that solve?  Nothing.  If anything I am making myself look badly.  At the end of the day, I was still hurt and even after receiving the information she may still choose him and I would be the crazy EX…probably still am. (lol)  THE most important thing I had to consider was that I was delaying my own healing by involving myself in triangulated drama brought on by someone who thrived on drama.   NO THANK YOU!  My energy is served better focusing on things that bring me peace and further my resolve towards personal excellence.    IT WAS HARD! I WAS USED TO FIGHTING DIRTY!

One of the hardest things I had to do was to make the decision to move forward with my life and not listen to the devil on my shoulder to innihilate take revenge on the person who hurt me.  I was so hurt and didn’t feel it was fair that I endure this hurt alone.  I felt that he didn’t deserve to be “happy” or live a new life with his new girlfriend after what happened (see previous blog).   The blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices were all in vain and now “she” benefits from it all. So I thought.  I felt that he left the relationship when I was at my lowest…when I needed him the most. We just broke up and he had already started seeing someone already?  How could he do that to me??   Who was I kidding?  That kind of scenario maliciousness  rarely happens overnight…RARELY!

Sidenote: Nobody can ever do anything to you…It is never personal.  People act according to their own personal frames of reference (a set of basic assumptions or standards that determines and sanctions behavior). Once I was able to conquer the notion that this person was acting upon what they believed to be right for them, the person moving on had little effect on me in regards to him moving on to someone “better” or him being a better man because he was with her.  I know who I am and I am not for everybody – especially the insecure.

Enough of that…Let’s Move On!

After months of ruminating over this loss, making one assumption after another and simply driving myself crazy, I had to develop a plan.  The MASTER PLAN. The escape plan.  This plan had to set me free once and for all.  But where do I even start?  When a business wants to expand or build a new establishment, in most cases they enlist an architect to bring their ideas into fruition visually.  They create a blueprint.  I had to apply that same concept to my own life.  I created a blueprint of what I wanted my future to look like.  The blueprint to moving on from heartbreak to happiness. The blueprint to a more fulfilled life.  I had to move past the hurt and pain and focus on what the huge ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel. I knew that ray of sunshine was there but I had to figure out how I was going to get to it.


I was a total mess. I went through what felt like a huge array of emotions. I was happy one minute, sad and upset the next.  I was also dealing with some stressful issues at work on top of all of this.   I was shifting from one emotion to another at rapid speed.  There were significant people in my life who understood my pain.  I can’t tell you how many times I was on the phone venting over and over about the same thing.  I know they were tired of me! (lol)  I am the type of person that when I am feeling strongly about something, I have to vent and get it off my chest.  It consumed me.  It consumed me to the core.  I just couldn’t understand it.  I internalized the blame.  It was sad.  I constantly replayed the blame-shifting statements over and over again.  I eventually had to cast his negative words into the “fire” and reassert myself as someone who is human, makes mistakes and that the world was not going to come to an end because the relationship ended.

Sh*t happens.

Don’t beat yourself up.  We may take them back, agree to meet up to see them or even frantically respond to their text messages in 0.2 milliseconds.  I have always admired the men and women who were strong enough to resist such urges and ignore their former partners enough for them to get the hint.  This is easy to do when you don’t care anymore but many times,  you still care and still love them.  The thing is mentally strong people value themselves more and act on what they NEED instead of what they WANT.  They are self-love enthusiasts!   I think I got the hang of that NOW! There was a point in time where blocking my ex on iMessage after we broke up was like me inserting a metal object into an electrical socket. I was AFRAID to do it. I was still holding on to hope.

In my last blog I discussed 10 reasons why heartbreak was good for you.  I know it may sound ridiculous to say heartbreak is good because in reality it hurts…REALLY HURTS. But it is NOT the end of the world.  It’s all about the lessons learned.  Life teaches us lessons and sometimes those lessons are painful…very painful.   Recovery doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time.  So here’s how I moved on from heartbreak to happiness:

Immerse Yourself in Self Help Podcasts/Audio Books


Self Help Podcasts are awesome! I began listening to several podcasts that focus on self love, self awareness and personal growth.  One of my top faves is Tracy Crossley!  She is amazing! She literally changed my life. When I listened to her first podcast, I was amazed at how prolific and intuitive she was.   Her podcast focus on being true to yourself, operating from a space of authenticity, refraining from self-limiting beliefs and negative self talk and how we get in our own way when it comes to love and relationships.  She is very passionate about what she does and her podcast was the dose of medicine I needed.  I encourage you to take the time to listen to her podcast.  I’m a living witness it will enhance your life!

I don’t have the time to read books as much anymore. My life is completely booked. Between work, my business, school, blogging and being a podcaster, I don’t have time to sit down and read at leisure anymore.  Audio books are my thing now.  It makes my life simple.  One of the best audio books I have listened to is  Don Miguel Ruiz’s Mastery of Love.  It is a life-changer!  This book delves into fear-based beliefs that we hold to be true about love and relationships.  It also discusses how we put ourselves through unnecessary pain by holding on to unrealistic expectations expectations and putting those unrealistic expectations on our partners.  It’s a life changer!

Talk to a Therapist/Life Coach.

One of the best things that I could have done for myself was to talk to a therapist.  I had been going to therapy off and on for years but I was going for a quick fix.  I would get distracted and never go back.  Most of the time I would get into another relationship and didn’t take the time to work on me.  I was complacent with being who I was.  I was awakened in the latter part of 2016 and knew that it was time to get myself together.  I was a mess.  I am still a work in progress. I still struggle with certain emotions and behaviors but I am far from what I used to be.  There’s nothing more freeing than talking to someone who doesn’t know you and is  unbiased and forthcoming. My therapist is a God send.  She and I click.  It is important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with.  The first time I met with my therapist, I knew she was the one!  She gets me and let me tell you, she gets me together!

This transition has given me the opportunity to learn about myself in ways I never thought of.  It was overwhelming and uncomfortable initially but I had to bite the bullet, be strong and deal.  Undoing the years of cognitive and behavioral conditioning  that brought on so many of my issues has been an awesome experience for me.  Therapy is nothing to be ashamed of and doesn’t mean you are “crazy”.  It means that you are aware of what is going on within you and want to correct it and grow.  Disclaimer: If you or someone you know struggles with mental health wellness, there are many resources available.  Seek out the best options for you. There are so many people hurting and we don’t even know it.  

I have been around people who are open and honest about their issues but refuse to seek therapy.  It is something I didn’t always understand but now I do.  Shedding our layers and exposing our vulnerabilities is uncomfortable and overwhelming.  If you are not ready to expose yourself and be open to change,  chances are therapy won’t be effective for you.   If you are reading this, I challenge you to look within as to why therapy is NOT for you.  Email me if you want to talk.  I am here for you.  You are NOT alone.

We All Need An Accountability Partner.

accountability partner

If you don’t have one, get one ASAP!  I confide in my accountability partner often when I am struggling with anxiety-ridden situations or inner conflict.  It is important to have an accountability partner to keep you on track when you are having those days when you feel like you are going to “fall of the wagon”.  My accountability partner is compassionate, honest and forthcoming.  She holds no punches with me.  I feel comfortable talking to her about EVERYTHING because I know she won’t shame or judge me but most important she will tell me what I NEED to hear to make me a better person.  I have said this before and I will say it again. When choosing an accountability partner it is important that you choose someone that will be honest and tell it like it is.  Chances are you won’t get far with an accountability partner who tells you what you want to hear and never challenges you to grow!

Bonus:  There’s a difference between telling it like it is and shaming.  I learned the hard way that some people thrive on shaming/judging people.  It’s just who they are.   Their negative body language and words simply leave you feeling worse than you did before telling them your story.  Protect your energy and your inner peace.  Stop sharing!  

P.S. – Why keep putting yourself through unnecessary shame and guilt by sharing with people who refuse to address your concerns and feelings with respect and compassion?  Think about it.

I say this time and time again that you MUST be mindful of who you share your personal/private life with. Some people pretend to be interested in your well-being but really only want to know your business, judge you and then later tell other people about it in one huge gossip session.  I will pass!   They usually tell on themselves by their overt lack of concern and instantly shutting you down when you try to express your feelings when you talk to them. Trust me, I learned the hard way!

    Implement a Self-Care Routine.


Self-care is non-negotiable.  The END.

 How can you take care of others yet do yourself the disservice of not taking care of yourself?  That is NOT self-love.   Although your intentions mean well when it comes to taking care of others, you have to learn to take care of yourself no matter what.  Schedule a monthly massage, get your nails done, take a hot, relaxing bath accompanied by FlowEsScents soy candles and body scrubs (shameless plug).  JUST DO IT!!

If you have children, finding “me time” can be challenging but it can be done.  Implement a daily, weekly or monthly (whatever works best for you) self-care routine even if it is something small like sipping on a cup of chamomile tea and reading a good book while the children are in bed. That is self care.  I recall my mother always making time for herself when we were kids.  She ALWAYS maintained her bi-weekly hair appointments and retail therapy.  We would stay home with my father while she enjoyed her time away.  I have four brothers so imagine the craziness in our household as kids! There was never a dull moment.   What I learned from my mother is that no matter how busy life gets, take time for YOU.

I find that peace and tranquility are my best friends.  Sometimes after a long week, I will  turn the TV off and meditate.  I lay on my bed and zone out.  I let my thoughts roam freely.  I pay attention to my thoughts, feelings and emotions.  Meditating helps me to clear my mind and refocus after interacting with all the diverse energies that are released into the atmosphere from the general public (I am an introvert-people drain me). I swear nowadays a simple customer service phone call can totally take me out.  Customer service just isn’t what it used to be and getting a clear answer or a resolution to a problem can be just as difficult as trying to read hieroglyphics.  I digress.

 Regroup when necessary.  This includes in real life AND pseudo-real life like social media…ESPECIALLY social media.  I will discuss that in a later blog.

       Listen to Music.


I’m not talking about sad love songs or music that will keep you feeling like you have just taken permanent residence into the “sunken place”.  P.S. UNLESS IT IS MARY J. BLIGE! I’m talking about some Pharrell -Happy ,  Beyonce – Formation (I love Bey!)  and Bruno Mars 24K Magic are the songs you should be listening to.  That’s the kind of music that makes me want to jump out of my car and JAM!!  There are some songs that instantly change your mood like the above mentioned ‘Happy’ (I just love Pharrell!!!!). I swear I can be in a funk and as soon as that song comes on my mood changes.   I won’t even begin to tell you what happens when I hear Beyonce’s Formation or Run the World (Girls). Yall know I love that girl! She is amazing!  I am pretty sure people driving by think I am having some sort of fit in my car (lol).  Music inspires me and even allows your mind to drift off and escape reality for 3-4 minutes.  Music is therapy.  I LOVE MUSIC!! IT SETS ME FREE!   

 Seek Spiritual Healing/Guidance.


There’s nothing more refreshing than a good foot stomping, hand-clapping, tambourine playing Sunday morning church service. I feel uplifted and renewed.  I feel like I can take whatever comes my way.   I feel awakened, inspired and empowered.   I can recall Sunday sermons that speak directly to me and my life issues. I knew that God was speaking to me through the preacher.  It is the best feeling ever!  Knowing that I am not alone and that there are others who are dealing with life just like me and pressing their way gives me strength to move forward in life.  I grew up in a Pentecostal church and we were always taught that no matter how hard life gets, pray and the Lord will give you strength for the journey.  I still live by this.  I am not fully there in my spiritual walk but I am aware of the fact that God is love and when we are in a tough spot, He gets us through no matter where we are in life.  Sometimes God allows tough times so that we can get closer to Him.

P.S.: I recognize that you may not share the same spiritual/religious beliefs as me so whatever your higher power is, I encourage you to tap into it.  

Hang Out with Friends.


There’s nothing I love more than hanging out with my girls.   We share a close bond and each of us have grown over the years.  If you don’t have friends, get some.  I can honestly say that hanging out with friends helps me forget about my troubles and truly live in the moment of fun and good times.  Although I am a SEVERE introvert, I enjoy going out with friends.  When you are dealing with a breakup or life stressors, getting out and having some fun always  helps tremendously.  I am older now so I don’t go out as much as I used to but a cocktail or glass of wine on the patio, a Friday-after-work happy hour are a few of the things I enjoy and what better way to enjoy those things than with your close friends.  I have some amazing friends and when we get together there is NEVER a dull moment.  I forget all of my worries when I am with them.  Nothing beats a strong support system that has your back during the tough times, seen you at your worst, holds you up during your time of weakness, holds you accountable and can down shots of Patron with you!! That’s what friends are for!!

Last but Not Least…

 Remember when life gives you lemons make lemonade.  If you’re like me add a little vodka to that lemonade and be a real rockstar!! HA! I’m kidding.  Life is challenging and it doesn’t stop because we are having hard times.  It goes on.  When life throws curve balls, we have to be able to adjust, hit that sucker out the park, move past the hurt, to a home run!

 I am in an incredible space now and I can’t reiterate how fulfilled my life is now that I have accepted the fact that sh*t happens and we have to grab life by the you – know- what and keep it moving.  One of my confidants told me after one of my many post breakup emotional break downs, to make 2017 my personal b*tch and that is exactly what I did.  I have absolutely no regrets.  I am at peace.  I released the negativity that was weighing me down, took the bull by the horns and started loving myself unconditionally.  It was no cake walk and I had to take each day one day at a time.  I wanted to rush the process and just be over it. NOPE. I had to take it to the chin and face each day like a champ.  Some days were brutal other days, I could move mountains.  It’s just how it is.  But I got that blueprint and started to fix my life.  I finally made some lemonade…want some?

Was this helpful?  If so, leave me your feedback.  I would love to hear from you.

I love feedback from my readers.  Please send me an email at if you have any questions or simply need a listening ear.

Follow me on IG @thehonestaquarian.  You can also find me on Facebook under the same user handle.