N is for Narcissist: The 10 Stages Of a Relationship With a Covert Narcissist.


I feel compelled to discuss this topic for several reasons.  One of those reasons is because I dealt with this.  I was unaware of how many men and women who are currently entangled or have been in the past in the dangerous web of narcissism.   Over the past few weeks, I have had several discussions with others about narcissists and how they negatively impact our lives.  Most of the time, we don’t realize what is happening until it is too late.

My last relationship was a pivotal moment in my life, and it unveiled a lot of things that I didn’t see while I was in the relationship.   Last year, I started going back to therapy.  I told my therapist the things that were transpiring in my life and the highest on my list of ISSUES was my breakup with my ex.  I told her the horror stories of arguments and toxic behaviors exhibited by him and I both.   I would further discuss my former partner’s actions and tendencies, and she finally said to me “He sounds like he is a little bit of a narcissist.”  WHOA!!  A what??


As always, I add a disclaimer to my blogs when needed.  I am not an EXPERT in Narcissist Personality Disorder, but I have done enough research to discuss it confidently.  A licensed psychologist/psychiatrist is the only way to diagnose someone with  Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).   However, websites like Psychology Today and Mayo Clinic explain the traits/characteristics of  Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

I have researched NPD for the past year, and while there are several types of a narcissists and many are easy to spot, I will be discussing my personal experience with a covert narcissist.  Narcissism of this kind is not as easy to spot which is even more detrimental  because the abuse is subtle and often goes undetected until it is too late.  I noticed the symptoms in my experience, but it wasn’t until I began to feel the effects of the damage the narcissist caused that I recognized, put the pieces of the puzzle together and accepted that I was in an emotionally abusive relationship.  Narcissist Personality Disorder is not gender-specific.  Men and women can be narcissists.

 Back to Narcissism

I had no idea that everything I was experiencing with this person at the time was due to him being a covert narcissist but it all made sense. I heard of narcissism before and it was mostly used to describe highly self-absorbed, egotistical men mostly.  It wasn’t until I started researching this topic that I knew the true essence of narcissism. I vividly recall calling out the narcissistic behaviors and telling him he needed to change those actions to have a healthy relationship.  I found out quickly that this person did not have the emotional intelligence that is often required to maintain healthy relationships.  A long distance relationship is challenging; they are even more challenging when the issues that plague the relationship meet stonewalling, silent treatment and projection. However, the long distance relationship is the perfect scenario for the covert narcissist. They can hide behind text messages, social media and distance.

I didn’t realize how damaging narcissists can be to the human spirit. They carefully plan out how they are going to deceive and manipulate you.

So what is a Narcissist?


“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.  But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism. ”  ~Mayoclinic.org

*It is postulated that narcissistic personality disorder starts as early as childhood due to an imbalance in parent-child relationships.  You can read more about the causes and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder here.

Narcissists are cowards, and they play very dirty.  But what you MUST understand is that narcissists are not mentally healthy individuals.  The things that an emotionally intelligent individual wouldn’t do, the narcissist WILL do.  This blog is not a bashing session on the narcissist-it’s awareness.   Keep in mind, not all emotionally abusive relationships mean that the abuser is a narcissist.  If you believe that your partner is a narcissist, try not to focus so much on the narcissist label but the abuse that is occurring in the relationship.  Abuse is not okay.  Toxic relationships are not okay.  In my research, I found that many questioned if their partner was a narcissist and would list all of the bad things the person was doing to them as a way to determine if their partner was a narcissist.  Understand that being a narcissist is a label that is overly used and often used to generalized a self-centered person. Narcissists are self-centered, but there is a deeper pathology of these individuals that supersedes just being egotistical.

Let’s Be Clear

Nowadays the word Narcissist is often associated with a horrible and selfish ex.  I feel that this word is used a lot by people who may show one or two characteristics of this mental disorder.  I mean we all know somebody who is arrogant or overly confident in their abilities and looks.  I  didn’t understand this type of person until I was out of the relationship.  I recognized the traits but didn’t know it was narcissism at the root of his issues.  After my therapist told me that she believed that last partner is a narcissist, I began to research narcissism, and he fits every description of a covert narcissist (one of the worst besides the malignant narcissist) Surprisingly, there are various types of narcissism.   The covert narcissist, malignant narcissist, overt narcissist are just to name a few.  They each exhibit distinct behaviors that characterize them to be who they are.  It is important not to misinterpret specific actions or personality traits as an individual being a narcissist.

Narcissist attach themselves to highly successful people.  For one, it makes them look good and they can leach off of the financial success of their targets. Some narcissists will overtly ask their targets for money to pay for things. Let’s keep this in perspective. In relationships, financially supporting your partner is not a negative thing depending on the circumstances. So when I say things about the narcissist, it is not relative to healthy romantic relationships.  Narcissists expect you to pay for things.  They don’t like spending their “hard-earned” money on YOU and when they do it is based on conditions or they later use it to throw it back in your face or hold it over your head. Nothing they do is without conditions.

When we think of narcissists, we think of our current PINTO (President in Name and Title Only) or someone who is overtly and excessively self-centered.  They are not all loud and proud.  Some are quiet, calm, introverted and shy, but in the background, they are angry, vengeful, manipulative, plotting and planning on how to take you down with their emotionally draining, psychological warfare tactics.  Covert narcissists love to name drop or associate themselves with people who have the clout or some notoriety.   They love nice things and are very materialistic.   Healthy people who love nice things appreciate the value or significance that comes with those nice things.   The narcissist loves nice things because it boosts their ego and for the public.  The rely heavily on what the public thinks about them.

This blog is not for the faint of heart! Upon reading this blog, you may notice that these same traits reside in your partner or loved ones.  Narcissists are dangerous, but I do believe that there is hope if they want to change, seek therapy and spiritual guidance. The work will not be easy, so if a narcissist truly wants to change they will have to devote a lot of emotional energy, submit their ego and become vulnerable to the process. Mind you; the narcissist has been that way for YEARS.  Let’s get into it!

Here’s a list of the stages of being in a relationship with a narcissist:

1. Love Bombing aka Idealization.
Love bombing is the narcissists’ art of influence.  They shower the new target with excessive attention and affection.  When the narcissist finds a new target or supply, they begin to love bomb them.  Love bombing is when the narcissist showers their target with compliments, tells them how happy they are the new supply is in their life, they compare the new supply to their ex and how the new target is nothing like her.  They text you every day, sharing funny memes, telling you how beautiful/pretty you are. You will are told how glad they are you are in their life, and they have never met a woman like you. They pile it on thick!  In a matter of weeks of dating, they are already telling you that you are their soul mate or they are in love with you.

EVERYBODY IS THE NARCISSIST’S SOULMATE! THEY WANT TO MARRY EVERY WOMAN THEY DEEM TO BE THEIR PERFECT PARTNER! How Sway? They go as far as to start planning major life events like marriage, having children, moving in together at a rapid pace. I can recall in my personal experience, the narcissist asking me early on about marriage, children, etc. In a typical, healthy relationship, children, marriage and building a life together are things both parties will discuss early on because you are trying to get to know them and determine if this is someone you want to pursue a future. However, when it comes to the narcissist, this is discussed with the intention of moving fast and getting you to the altar with lightning speed. The more they find out about you early on, the more they can mirror you and pretend to be just like you.

Side note: In most healthy relationships,  love develops over time, not weeks. I know some may believe in love at first sight.  I am not sure if it exists or not but what I do know is that it takes time to get to know someone, find out how they communicate, handle arguments, how they relate others.  I am immediately turned off by people who move fast and try to convince me that moving fast in a relationship is normal.

When the narcissist is in the idealization phase, they are grooming their target to become attached to their frequent showering them with their compliments, constant adoration and attention to them. He is romance and passion in human form. When the narcissist is love bombing you, the part of your brain that responds to the adoration and constant compliments become modified and addicted to the love-bombing.  Narcissists are incredibly attentive, thoughtful and caring.  Things progress quickly during the idealization phase. Narcissists are obsessed with the way you look so they will always tell you how beautiful you are and if you bring up your insecurities, the narcissist will immediately tell you how much they love your insecurities.  Now what woman wouldn’t fall for a man like that?


Pause button

Playing up your insecurities is how the narcissist gets you effed up! In a healthy relationship, when your partner embraces your vulnerabilities, they do it in a way that is authentic and genuine. Because of the narcissist’s shrewd ability to come off as a genuine and authentic person, it is difficult to tell when they are faking it because most partners compliment you right? The narcissist showers you with compliments not only to build you up before they devalue you but also so that you will return those same compliments to them in return. Their motives behind their praises are premeditated and calculated because they plan on taking you off of your high horse slowly but surely. Also, the narcissist’s compliments are to keep you addicted to their constant flattery so when they devalue you, it is harder to leave because they make you feel VERY special and wanted. You are addicted to them, their flattery, their romantic gestures-they are the knight in shining armor you have been waiting your entire life for!  However,  the narcissist is not doing this for YOU. The narcissist HAS to have their ego fed at all times! The praises and adoration they give you are not for you! It is all about them.


In my relationship with the narcissist, we communicated all day every day.  I was VERY impressed that this guy would take so much time out of his day to interact with me.  He was making an effort to get to know me and ask me about what I wanted in a man, marriage, kids, etc.  He was amazing!! The funny memes, inside jokes, YouTube shenanigans was our “special” way of engaging with one another, and I felt he was so much like me. The man I thought was kind, gentle and loving was a chameleon. He could adapt to any woman by merely mirroring her and using her words and behaviors as intel for his devalue plan.

Then the Mask Falls Off.


After the narcissist is finished love bombing their new target, the mask slowly but surely slips off, and they reveal who they genuinely are. The once loving and romantic guy is now giving you the silent treatment because he doesn’t like the fact you challenged his bad behavior so he has to teach you a lesson, intentionally ruins holidays, birthdays or any special event in your life (we will talk about that later).  It is a subtle erosion of what you thought to be true as well as who you are.   After the narcissist builds you up, he slowly tears you down in the most undetectable and cunning way possible.  They will no doubt EXPOSE themselves to who they are.

2. Blame Shifting.
Narcissists NEVER accept blame for the negative things that they do and say in their relationships.  It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault. When they are called out for their negative behaviors, they immediately shift blame onto the other party or deflect onto you.  For example, if the narcissist is called out on a lie they will say that YOU are lying.  They will blame their adverse reactions as being someone else’s fault because had the person not made them mad, then none of this would be happening (I can’t tell you how many times I heard this).  Narcissists use blame shifting to manipulate their partner by playing the victim when confronted with their bad behavior.  They will turn the tables on you and bring up something from the past or something utterly unrelated about how you hurt them, and suddenly you are the bad guy apologizing to them! HA! GOT EM!!! I can recall texting the narcissist ex I was with , and the conversation was going smoothly. He found an opportunity to use something I did in the past to start an argument. It was out of nowhere. I was utterly confused. He then commenced to get upset and relive the situation.  I couldn’t believe this was happening. How did a conversation go from jokes and laughs to arguing and anger? The narcissist will take any situation and make it into something negative and a reason for them to unleash their vindictiveness and revenge on you.

Sidenote:  Sometimes the narcissists intentionally creates drama in the relationship to make provision for them cheating.  By stirring up drama, they can provoke you to respond negatively, and since they are delusional, they will conjure up excuses for why they should cheat because you are treating them so poorly. Hence, the silent treatment commences and while the narcissist is being silent towards you, chances are they are entertaining other supply.  They aren’t at home twiddling their thumbs.  They are getting revenge on you.

Narcissists are control freaks, and they exert this control in various ways like showing up late.  Now before you start accusing your always-late-never-on-time friends and family of being narcissists understand the difference. The typical person is late because they lack practical time management skills and most of the time it is not something done intentionally.  The narcissist is tardy because it is a way for them to be in control and their delusion of self-importance. They know that if their partner is waiting for them to arrive, they intentionally belabor the event, and most likely blame it on someone else for being late.  Narcissists want you to feel honored by their presence.  In my personal experience with the narcissist, tardiness was control.   He needed to have control and intentionally arriving late was his way of maintaining control in the relationship.

3. Manipulation.
Narcissists are master manipulators. They have mastered the art of deception. They play the victim when confronted with their behavior. The positive attributes that people admire about them is a facade. Narcissists deliberately portray themselves to be these great people to lure you into their “trap” of deception and before their mask falls off. Even when their mask falls off, they continue their deceit and manipulation. Manipulation is the narcissist’s way of controlling the people around them, especially their partner. The narcissist takes what you say and twists it around leaving you bewildered and confused to the point where you don’t even recognize what you said to them.

The narcissists uses manipulation to play the victim. They play the victim making you the problematic person.  In reality, the narcissist starts the argument but will blame you for reacting to the horrible things they have said to you or the lies they speak during the conversation. They manufacture drama with the anticipation of you reacting not responding (there’s a difference) negatively and then use it against you. Narcissists do NOT have boundaries, and they don’t recognize or accept the fact that others have boundaries which is why they are habitual line-crossers.

4. Gaslighting is a common tactic used by the narcissist.   It is another form of manipulation used by the narcissist.  Their goal is to make you dwell in a constant state of doubt.  As individuals, we have our lens/perceptions of reality.  We may not see things the same. However, the narcissist tries to persuade you into doubting that your thoughts, feelings, attitudes are not real.  Again…manipulation is one of the most used mental tactics used by the narcissist. Self-doubt is likely to occur when exposed to gaslighting from a narcissist. Narcissists are determined to misunderstand everything you say. Misinterpreting is another manipulation tactic used by the narcissist. They intentionally hear something different to make you feel like you are going crazy and continuously second-guess yourself. They feel nothing. They go about their day per usual. Meanwhile, you are about to lose your mind trying to figure out why and how the conversation took such a huge turn.

5. Triangulation is an abusive tactic used by the narcissist. Triangulation happens when the narcissist brings another person or group of people into the relationship as a means of attacking the victim or getting the victim to “fight” for the narcissist’s affection even more. This is one of the reasons why I do not suggest remaining friends with exes immediately after a breakup. In most cases, it is relatively impossible to remain friends with an ex-especially if feelings are still involved. But when it comes to the narcissist, it is so they can have you on standby in case the new supply doesn’t work out or if he or she makes the narcissist upset, he will pursue contact with the ex as a means of revenge or punish the new supply.  Also, when the narcissist is with his new target, he is telling her bad things about you. The smear campaign consists of “She didn’t appreciate me.”, “She was mean to me.” ” She is crazy!” In return, the new target feels special and the “chosen one.” Meanwhile, when the target’s back is turned, the narcissist is telling his “crazy” ex-girlfriend how much he loves her and how she was on his mind. TRUE STORY!!
Triangulation doesn’t stop at the new target.

6. The Silent Treatment

The narcissistic silent treatment is one of the most commonly used tactics. The narcissist resorts to the silent treatment as a means of “teaching you a lesson.” They are punishing you for something you did or said to them that they did not like. It can happen at any time for any reason. The narcissists maneuvers their way through life with the intent of misunderstanding everything you say and do. Intentional misunderstanding gives them the “right of way” in just about every conversation or argument involving them. They intentionally hear something “different” and will use it against you to justify their reason for not speaking to you. They will code their passive-aggressive behavior by playing the victim and claim that you are attacking them. The silent treatment is designed to render you invalid to the narcissist and as if you don’t matter to them. The narcissist’s intent is to condition you “act accordingly.” It’s how they try to control you.  Remember many narcissists need constant adoration so when they are silent towards you, they are communicating with someone else if not worse! I’m not going to sugarcoat this at all! The silent treatment is emotional abuse.

7. The New Target
New Supply – The “new” person that “suddenly” appears out of nowhere after you break up with your ex.  The thing is, they are not new.  They have been in the picture long before the breakup. Narcissists MUST be adored, needed, praised and have their egos stroked AT ALL TIMES!  The new supply is the person they suddenly get into a relationship with and slowly but surely the narcissist will suck the life out of them and they won’t even know what hit them. The new supply is unaware of how his or her life is about to change for the worse. It is too late; the narcissist has already started to make them feel like they are the best thing to ever happen to them. They have poured on the romantic charm on the new target so thick and most likely told the new target several “whoa is me” stories about how all of his or her ex treated them so poorly but conveniently leaving out their role in the demise of the relationsh*t.

8. Social Media

social media
Social media is the narcissist’s playground. It is where 99.9% of their stable of supply resides. The narcissist loves to “flirt” with new supply by liking ALL of their status updates, pictures, etc. The narcissist is sending their smoke signal to the new supply that they are indeed interested.  I’m telling you what I know! These are FACTS!!! The narcissist is a social media “fan” of their new target. Everything she posts he will like it. Exhibit A: The narcissist uses the heart emoji under new target’s profile pic. If that is not a sign that a guy is into you, I am not sure what is. Mind you, the narcissist is still in a relationship with his current girlfriend but he doesn’t care.  He is already planning his escape and luring his new target into his web.

Nothing is off limits to narcissists. They do NOT care about anyone but themselves.  I share this information because it happened to me. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I am glad that I know the truth about the person I once loved and I cared for deeply.  This person was living a duplicitous life, and it was all on social media. They have conversations with the new target via private messenger and nine times out of ten they are complaining to the new target about their current relationship and how they are trying to get out of it.  The covert narcissist, however, is going to be very strategic and calculating on social media. He doesn’t want to come off like a cheater, so he will tell the new target how awful his current partner is to him to manipulate her into believing that what he is doing isn’t bad. He is just a good guy looking for a good woman to appreciate him.

P.S.  One of the biggest disservices you can do for yourself is keeping up with the narcissist on social media.  DON’T.  It’s not worth the agony.  Do NOT follow-up on the new target either.  I will discuss this in more detail in a future blog.

9. Holidays.

Narcissists love to ruin nice things. Holidays are one of them. It is the time of year where they go out of their way to make everyone around them feel horrible. They intentionally forget special days or to add insult to injury, they remember special holidays but will deliberately not buy a gift or divert plans and do something silly like watch a movie with their mom and sisters on Valentine’s Day. True Story! They will turn holidays and any intimate social gatherings into a fiasco; they will leave early (social interaction is not a high skill set for them).

Narcissists love to ruin significant milestones such as anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, graduations, etc. During the idealization phase, They shower you with gifts, planning and creating the facade of the perfect gentlemen or gentlewoman.  If you spend enough time with them, they will soon start to “forget” birthdays or avoid you on anniversaries and holidays.  They will start arguments  so they don’t have to be “present.”  It’s all calculated and planned.  Every move is premeditated.

10. Lack of Empathy
Narcissists do NOT have empathy.  NONE!! A  loved one can pass away,  you can be in the hospital, hit by a car, lose a pet, and they do not care. They may show fake concern on the surface, but they don’t care behind the scenes. It’s back to business as usual. Let me give you an example of how much they do not care. I experienced this on more than one occasion. You can talk to the narcissist about having hard times or simply going through it and they will just look at you with a blank look. Why?  They do not have the ability to process the emotions that will cause one to empathize.   They don’t care about what is going on with your life. Narcissists are very selfish. They only care about themselves so talking to them about your life is like talking to a brick wall.

Healthy individuals who empathize can put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Sometimes, the narcissist will act as if he cares to keep you in his web of deceit. He isn’t ready to discard you so he will pretend to care to keep you around. It’s all in their plan. They can appear to be thoughtful and concerned if it fits their agenda and to be socially accepted. Being someone who lacks empathy is not a socially acceptable trait so the narcissist will pretend to show concern and compassion to fit in because they are concerned about their public image.

BONUS!!  The Discard

the discard

The narcissist plans the discard phase weeks if not months before the actual breakup.  The narcissist will pick the worst time to discard you.  Usually, it is when you need their support most.  As I mentioned in earlier blogs, I was recovering from surgery and dealing with extremely stressful work-related issues. The narcissist picked this time to be a total jerk towards me. But now that I know who he is and why he behaved this way, it all makes sense.

When the narcissist is ready to discard you, the smear campaign commences.  The smear campaign starts with friends and family and stories about how poorly you are treating the narcissist.  Since the narcissist keeps a stable of women in their stash when the time comes for them to discard you, they can move on quickly.   While the narcissist is telling those close to him or her how poorly you are treating them, they are grooming their new target.  The grooming is typically flirting via social media, “liking”  or playfully sharing inside jokes with the new target on Facebook or other social media platforms.  The narcissist may even tell their new target about how poorly they are being treated by their current partner to garner sympathy and make the new target feel “special” that the narcissist is even confiding with them about their relationship issues.   While the narcissist is busy sharing this narrative about you (old target), he is also telling them about his new target-your replacement.  He is saying to them how great the new replacement is, how well she treats him and how he has FINALLY found someone who gets him or her.  The narcissist’s family and friends are happy for him and glad that he is with someone who treats him better than his former partner.  This is how the narcissist moves into a new relationship so quickly and broadcasts his new relationship publicly without the guilt or shame that most cheaters feel when they move on to a new relationship so soon after ending another one.

Exhibit A

In most breakup scenarios the narcissist is already in a new relationship weeks after the breakup.  Pictures are tagged of him on social media of him and his new target sharing moments together .  Family and friends are in full support of this new relationship by liking the pics his new target has tagged him in.  How can he be so comfortable displaying his new relationship with her knowing his family and friends would question him being in a new relationship so soon?  Why? Because he has manipulated his family and friends by telling them about his current partners “overreactions”,  bad behavior towards him just trying to be a “good man”  not being appreciated.  Of course, family and friends will respond with “You deserve someone who treats you better.”  The narcissist intentionally withholds what they did to cause the reaction from their family and friends so that they appear innocent.  The narcissist is doing what he does best – manipulate those around him.  They play on the humanity of others.  They make a joke of it and use it to their advantage.  The covert narcissist is the “good guy” that everybody likes and wants to be around. They have this ability to adapt to whatever environment they are in at the time.  As I said, they are chameleons.

When the narcissist enters into a new relationship, he doesn’t look like a cheater because he has manipulated his family and friends into believing that they deserved to be in this new relationship because he was treated so poorly by his former partner and needed to end the relationship with her.  Side note: I have come to terms with this narrative.  I know the truth, and I know who I am.  That is the only narrative that matters – MINE!  I understand the type of person I was dealing with and making me look bad was the only way for him to look like the “innocent” cheater.  When you are a coward, ending relationships like a mature adult is like kryptonite to Superman.

While most reasonable people understand that cheating is wrong and feel bad about it, the narcissist does not.  He has built his case against you-keeping tally of everything you have done wrong to him in the relationship and uses that to justify their cheating, manipulation and other psychologically abusive mind games.

When the narcissist discards you, they will go silent on you and ignore you.  One of the reasons behind this tactic is to punish you.    While they are ignoring you, they are love bombing their new target.  They are telling the new target that you are the “crazy ex” who simply can’t let go.  In return, this makes the new target feel “special.”  Here you are with her while another woman you share a past with wants you as well.  What the narcissist is doing is creating triangulation and the narcissist’s way of keeping the new target on her toes.   The narcissist loves bringing up their former partners in their new relationships so, during this time, the narcissist is talking about how awful you are to his new target.  Don’t fret.  There is nothing you can do about the narrative he or she is spreading about you.  We can only control the narrative we speak about ourselves.  What the narcissist doesn’t realize is all of the bad things they are spreading about you is more telling of who they are and the company they keep.  This brings me to my next point.

After narcissist discards you and ignores you for weeks or months , even years later. They will circle back and hoover.  Hoovering a common tactic used by the narcissist to reel you back into their web of manipulation, lies and deceit.  The silent treatment is to teach you a lesson, manufacture anxiety within you and make you feel less than so when they come back, you will quickly accept them back into your life and be happy that they see value in you.  As I told you earlier, narcissists need a constant supply.  They can’t leave one situation and be alone. They MUST have someone else waiting in the wings to validate them and make them feel special.  Narcissists feel like they are doing you a favor by being with you.

The narcissistic hoover comes in the form of deception.  They will carefully use their words to lead you  to believe that he or she wants to work things out so they will use “love” language or use words that play on your emotions.  For healthy individuals who have feelings, the narcissists actions seem legit.  What the narcissist is doing is playing chess with your heart.  They want to keep you around as a plan B in case the new target doesn’t work out and to triangulate you.  See what the new target doesn’t know is that the narcissist is using her too.  The narcissist has planned all of this out, and now he is putting his plan into action.

The narcissist will tell you that he or she wants to remain friends post-breakup.  Here’s the thing:  Why do they want to be friends if they have told their family and friends so many bad things about you?  Who wants to be friends with someone who treats them poorly??  The narcissist does this to keep you around and maintain control, and WHEN the new target gets boring, they can come back to you.  It’s a very sick game, and I am speaking on what I know.   The narcissist came back around and told me, how much he loved me and I was on his mind among other things, but I could discern that he was not forthcoming. He didn’t come back because he loved me.  I was a pawn in his game.  The new girl was a pawn just as well. I mean what self-respecting man flip flops from one woman to another inciting drama?? It would have made him feel so “special” to have me and his new target fighting over him, or when his new target got on his nerves, he could “innocently” text me behind her back.  The same thing he was doing behind my back.

Narcissists would like for you to believe that the demise of the relationship is all YOUR fault and that you are unlovable, difficult, ask for too much, etc.  You are asking them to be a reasonable human being in a mature relationship, and this is something that they REFUSE to do.  See, narcissists feel that all they need to do is show up with their looks, private parts and their bank accounts and they will treat you as if you should be honored to be with them because they have a host of women wanting to be with them, so you BETTER behave.

You are on to their mind games and emotional abuse, so they move on to their next target and start the cycle over again.  If you pay close attention, you will notice that the narcissist ALWAYS leaves behind a trail of destruction wherever they go.  All of their relationships end badly, and they are the victim in each scenario.


the gift

One of the greatest gifts the narcissist can give you is their absence!  It may sting for a while but once you uncover who they genuinely are and OVERstand that these people do not function like emotionally healthy individuals do. Think about how drama free your life was before the narcissist showed up? If your life wasn’t drama free, I am sure the narcissist intensified the drama tremendously.  Narcissists  live in a constant state of tension and confusion. They LOVE drama!  When the narcissist leaves your life, you will suddenly have an overwhelming amount of peace. Yes, it will hurt in the beginning because the person you thought the narcissist was only an illusion. You loved them, cared for them and even saw a future with them, but the narcissist tricked you. They tricked you into believing that he was a good person, a good man, husband material but that is not who he was. The gag is on us-so the narcissist’s thinks. Keep reading.

You will Heal.

Just like a physical wound, emotional wounds take time to heal. The deeper the injury, the longer it takes to recover. Some wounds are deep, and they are excruciating. The mere thought of it is unbearable to think about. This is how we process emotional scars. Some emotional wounds take a longer time to heal, but those wounds heal once we apply proper treatment to those wounds. Putting a band-aid on the wound doesn’t remove the wound, it is a temporary fix. That is how it looks when we run from one relationship to another. The new person is a band-aid. They only cover up the surface of our issues. In my own experiences, I can recall breaking up with someone and getting into a new situation relatively quickly. While the new person took my mind off of my past relationship, it was a temporary fix because the same issues would resurface because I need healing inwardly. I was expecting my new partner to heal my wounds and nobody could fix that but ME! One of the biggest lessons the narcissist taught me was that I did not love myself. When you love yourself, there are certain lines you don’t allow someone to cross. It took me a long time to admit that I didn’t love myself. My ego got in the way, and I refused to acknowledge my lack of self-love to myself or anybody else for that matter. We all know that narcissists are emotional vultures, we still have to take accountability. I will get into how to move forward after breaking up with a narcissist in another blog.

Thank you for taking the time to read my novel blog. Narcissism is a vast topic, and I can’t cover it in one blog. This blog is based on my personal experience along with factual evidence of how narcissist behave. Narcissists are dangerous to your mental health. They wear you down, and when the narcissist is done with you, they move on to someone else to repeat the same cycle. You’re not missing out. Your life has just begun! Trust me, life post narcissist gets better, you are stronger, wiser and you most of all, you see the value in YOU. Once you recognize yourself for the bad@$$ that you are, you will NEVER entertain toxic relationships again!

I know I didn’t cover everything. It is impossible to do in one blog but I wanted to share my experience.  My journey has been amazing. 2017 has taught me several life lessons and it was the year of self-discovery, healing and progression.  Detaching from toxic relationships can have its negative effects on us but we can move past them.  It takes hard work, focus, spiritual guidance and most importantly people who love us and support our journey.  I started this blog earlier this year and it has been one of my biggest accomplishments!  Documenting my journey is my way of telling my story to not only help me, but help others. I am a humanitarian at heart and I love helping people.  This is my way of giving back.  I hope this blog helps you.  Feel free to comment.  I would love to hear from you!

As always you can find me on Facebook and  IG @thehonestaquarian.

Until next time, Merry Christmas and cheers to an awesome New Year!!!












To the Left…To the Left! How I Moved On From Heartbreak to Happiness. When Life Gives You Lemons…

In my last blog I discussed the demise of my long term/long distance relationship that ended six months ago.   My relationship of 3 1/2 years was over and my ex had already moved on to someone new within weeks of our breakup.  I kept asking myself “How could he move on so quickly?” I was in denial.  I didn’t want to believe that this person was already in his life in some way or form before our relationship ended.  For some odd reason,  that doesn’t even matter to me. This is the type of person who thrives on attention from the opposite sex and would use that to his advantage.

It was naive of me to think he just “suddenly” found someone new after we broke up.  It wasn’t that quickly. See he had already prepared his “escape plan” weeks, maybe even months before things ended between us.  He was waiting on the perfect time to execute his plan.  But this is NOT about him..it’s about how I took lemons and made some spiked lemonade.

Besides loss of a loved one, heartbreak is probably one of the toughest things you will ever go through in life.  You are grieving a loss. When someone close to us dies,  there is a finale.  It’s the end.  We will never see them again.  We can close the chapter and try to move on the best way we can while still remembering our loved one and cherishing their memory.   This is not necessarily true when it comes to the finale of a relationship.  The curtain is closed.  Exit stage left.  DONE!

But it isn’t always the end.  In some cases, we are still connected.  With social media swiftly replacing face to face interaction we can find ourselves still connected to “that person” via social media.   We can still be connected through mutual friends, following them, etc. This person doesn’t always just disappear.  With one click of a button, we can still remain connected to what we loss.

When we are mourning the loss of a relationship, the pain seems insurmountable.  You can’t sleep, eat or function because your mind is fixated on “the loss”.  I can’t say how many times I would wake up thinking about my ex and go to bed thinking about him.  I knew that he didn’t deserve my tears or the mental energy I was devoting to his being but I was hurt and I never thought our relationship would end so horribly.  I am not here to bash him.  That is not the objective here.  I am telling a story-my personal truth in what I was dealing with and how I was able to move on from it.  Writing about this loss is therapeutic for me.


I am coming to you from a place of authenticity.  I feel that people can relate to you when you come to them from a place of honesty, authenticity and transparency.   I am not here to bash anyone.  I am merely speaking my truth.  There aren’t too many in the general public that were privy to my last relationship. I was never one to tag him in pics of our nights out or “mark my territory” on social media in regards to our relationship. If he reads my blog and gets upset, he can email me. LOL!  But seriously, in the spirit of transparency, I want to let my viewers know that my words are not meant to make anybody look or feel badly.  It is my truth and I will not apologize for that.

I thrived on the secrecy of the relationship.  We were the Beyonce and Jay-z of relationships when it came to secrecy (lol).  I wouldn’t feel comfortable discussing my life on this blog if our relationship was displayed to the masses.  His identity is relatively unknown to most and those who do know who he is have already heard my side of the story so what I am saying is nothing new. He can always start his own blog if he cares to share his side. LOL!

There are many relationship/self love blogs out there and I am not an expert by any means. I am telling you how it worked for me as someone who came from little to moderate self-love to a life-changing experience to recapturing my power, enhancing my self-love and emotional well-being.


“I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you, and I still love you even though we are not together.”

This is one of the last texts I received from my ex.  I share this because it tells my story.  It reveals the exchange that went on post breakup and to exhibit how I allowed myself to fall for the bait.  Do I feel he meant this? Probably.  However, he had already started seeing someone else when he sent this to me so it didn’t carry much weight.  Imagine my excitement seeing the man I loved had reached out to me to tell me that he loved me even though things didn’t work out.  It happens.  We know the relationship isn’t working and you have to let go.  However, the love and feelings we have for that person do not automatically leave us.  It stays with us…for a while.

I refer to my past relationship quite often because it was one of the major life lessons in 2016.   I used that experience to aid in my transition.  It wasn’t easy at first.  I was hurt and wanted to get back at my ex.  I wanted revenge because I discovered something hurtful and what felt like major betrayal.  I was a mess!    I refused to be a victim to my situation.  It just wasn’t me.  I had to fight him back.  I could hear Beyonce’s ‘Don’t Hurt Yourself’ in the back of my head as I became increasingly enraged by what I saw.  Yes revenge would have been sweet (screenshots are awesome!) but I wasn’t that person. Upon finding out that he already had found a “replacement” put me in an uncomfortable space.  I felt betrayed.

I felt that there was some overlap.  I thought to myself how can a person truly be healed from a past relationship if they can go from one relationship into another in a month?   It wasn’t rocket science.  I tried several times to rationalize what happened but the facts were there. Little did I know he was hiding something.  He had already started something with his new girl (most likely while we were still together).  Let’s be real.

When there is relationship overlap, the person who has checked out of the relationship has already had time to deal with the loss and move on.   It may not be the healthiest way to deal but that is how many people choose to move on.  This is how a person can quickly move from one relationship to another.  However, it doesn’t mean they are healed.  The new relationship serves as band aid or a way for them not to deal with their inner issues or come to terms with the breakup.  The new person is a distraction. Eventually the unresolved issues resurface in the new relationship if the individual doesn’t take the time to be introspective and honest with themselves.  True story.

My instincts knew he had already moved on with someone (Follow your instincts-ALWAYS!) but I was in denial.  It was just a month post breakup, feelings were still there and I really wanted the relationship to work out. I refused to believe what I already knew to be true.  The man I felt I knew was honest and that is one thing I always respected about him, he was honest almost to a flaw.  WRONG! He wasn’t honest.  He was  deceptive and far from forthcoming.  I knew there was more to his story but when I approached him about there being “someone else”.  He denied and deflected.   He graduated summa cum laude from the schools of Deflection and Avoidance.  Disclaimer: After a breakup, your ex’s love life is none of your business. However, when an ex comes to you under false pretenses or unclear motives/intentions…ASK QUESTIONS!! Especially when your instincts are telling you that there is some trickery going on!

I wasn’t going to involve his new love interest or myself in his drama.    She would soon see him for who he is at some point.  He was no longer my problem nor my concern.  The old me wanted to expose the very person who ripped my heart out of my chest and make him suffer the same fate I felt he had placed on me.  But why? What would that solve?  Nothing.  If anything I am making myself look badly.  At the end of the day, I was still hurt and even after receiving the information she may still choose him and I would be the crazy EX…probably still am. (lol)  THE most important thing I had to consider was that I was delaying my own healing by involving myself in triangulated drama brought on by someone who thrived on drama.   NO THANK YOU!  My energy is served better focusing on things that bring me peace and further my resolve towards personal excellence.    IT WAS HARD! I WAS USED TO FIGHTING DIRTY!

One of the hardest things I had to do was to make the decision to move forward with my life and not listen to the devil on my shoulder to innihilate take revenge on the person who hurt me.  I was so hurt and didn’t feel it was fair that I endure this hurt alone.  I felt that he didn’t deserve to be “happy” or live a new life with his new girlfriend after what happened (see previous blog).   The blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices were all in vain and now “she” benefits from it all. So I thought.  I felt that he left the relationship when I was at my lowest…when I needed him the most. We just broke up and he had already started seeing someone already?  How could he do that to me??   Who was I kidding?  That kind of scenario maliciousness  rarely happens overnight…RARELY!

Sidenote: Nobody can ever do anything to you…It is never personal.  People act according to their own personal frames of reference (a set of basic assumptions or standards that determines and sanctions behavior). Once I was able to conquer the notion that this person was acting upon what they believed to be right for them, the person moving on had little effect on me in regards to him moving on to someone “better” or him being a better man because he was with her.  I know who I am and I am not for everybody – especially the insecure.

Enough of that…Let’s Move On!

After months of ruminating over this loss, making one assumption after another and simply driving myself crazy, I had to develop a plan.  The MASTER PLAN. The escape plan.  This plan had to set me free once and for all.  But where do I even start?  When a business wants to expand or build a new establishment, in most cases they enlist an architect to bring their ideas into fruition visually.  They create a blueprint.  I had to apply that same concept to my own life.  I created a blueprint of what I wanted my future to look like.  The blueprint to moving on from heartbreak to happiness. The blueprint to a more fulfilled life.  I had to move past the hurt and pain and focus on what the huge ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel. I knew that ray of sunshine was there but I had to figure out how I was going to get to it.


I was a total mess. I went through what felt like a huge array of emotions. I was happy one minute, sad and upset the next.  I was also dealing with some stressful issues at work on top of all of this.   I was shifting from one emotion to another at rapid speed.  There were significant people in my life who understood my pain.  I can’t tell you how many times I was on the phone venting over and over about the same thing.  I know they were tired of me! (lol)  I am the type of person that when I am feeling strongly about something, I have to vent and get it off my chest.  It consumed me.  It consumed me to the core.  I just couldn’t understand it.  I internalized the blame.  It was sad.  I constantly replayed the blame-shifting statements over and over again.  I eventually had to cast his negative words into the “fire” and reassert myself as someone who is human, makes mistakes and that the world was not going to come to an end because the relationship ended.

Sh*t happens.

Don’t beat yourself up.  We may take them back, agree to meet up to see them or even frantically respond to their text messages in 0.2 milliseconds.  I have always admired the men and women who were strong enough to resist such urges and ignore their former partners enough for them to get the hint.  This is easy to do when you don’t care anymore but many times,  you still care and still love them.  The thing is mentally strong people value themselves more and act on what they NEED instead of what they WANT.  They are self-love enthusiasts!   I think I got the hang of that NOW! There was a point in time where blocking my ex on iMessage after we broke up was like me inserting a metal object into an electrical socket. I was AFRAID to do it. I was still holding on to hope.

In my last blog I discussed 10 reasons why heartbreak was good for you.  I know it may sound ridiculous to say heartbreak is good because in reality it hurts…REALLY HURTS. But it is NOT the end of the world.  It’s all about the lessons learned.  Life teaches us lessons and sometimes those lessons are painful…very painful.   Recovery doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time.  So here’s how I moved on from heartbreak to happiness:

Immerse Yourself in Self Help Podcasts/Audio Books


Self Help Podcasts are awesome! I began listening to several podcasts that focus on self love, self awareness and personal growth.  One of my top faves is Tracy Crossley!  She is amazing! She literally changed my life. When I listened to her first podcast, I was amazed at how prolific and intuitive she was.   Her podcast focus on being true to yourself, operating from a space of authenticity, refraining from self-limiting beliefs and negative self talk and how we get in our own way when it comes to love and relationships.  She is very passionate about what she does and her podcast was the dose of medicine I needed.  I encourage you to take the time to listen to her podcast.  I’m a living witness it will enhance your life!

I don’t have the time to read books as much anymore. My life is completely booked. Between work, my business, school, blogging and being a podcaster, I don’t have time to sit down and read at leisure anymore.  Audio books are my thing now.  It makes my life simple.  One of the best audio books I have listened to is  Don Miguel Ruiz’s Mastery of Love.  It is a life-changer!  This book delves into fear-based beliefs that we hold to be true about love and relationships.  It also discusses how we put ourselves through unnecessary pain by holding on to unrealistic expectations expectations and putting those unrealistic expectations on our partners.  It’s a life changer!

Talk to a Therapist/Life Coach.

One of the best things that I could have done for myself was to talk to a therapist.  I had been going to therapy off and on for years but I was going for a quick fix.  I would get distracted and never go back.  Most of the time I would get into another relationship and didn’t take the time to work on me.  I was complacent with being who I was.  I was awakened in the latter part of 2016 and knew that it was time to get myself together.  I was a mess.  I am still a work in progress. I still struggle with certain emotions and behaviors but I am far from what I used to be.  There’s nothing more freeing than talking to someone who doesn’t know you and is  unbiased and forthcoming. My therapist is a God send.  She and I click.  It is important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with.  The first time I met with my therapist, I knew she was the one!  She gets me and let me tell you, she gets me together!

This transition has given me the opportunity to learn about myself in ways I never thought of.  It was overwhelming and uncomfortable initially but I had to bite the bullet, be strong and deal.  Undoing the years of cognitive and behavioral conditioning  that brought on so many of my issues has been an awesome experience for me.  Therapy is nothing to be ashamed of and doesn’t mean you are “crazy”.  It means that you are aware of what is going on within you and want to correct it and grow.  Disclaimer: If you or someone you know struggles with mental health wellness, there are many resources available.  Seek out the best options for you. There are so many people hurting and we don’t even know it.  

I have been around people who are open and honest about their issues but refuse to seek therapy.  It is something I didn’t always understand but now I do.  Shedding our layers and exposing our vulnerabilities is uncomfortable and overwhelming.  If you are not ready to expose yourself and be open to change,  chances are therapy won’t be effective for you.   If you are reading this, I challenge you to look within as to why therapy is NOT for you.  Email me if you want to talk.  I am here for you.  You are NOT alone.

We All Need An Accountability Partner.

accountability partner

If you don’t have one, get one ASAP!  I confide in my accountability partner often when I am struggling with anxiety-ridden situations or inner conflict.  It is important to have an accountability partner to keep you on track when you are having those days when you feel like you are going to “fall of the wagon”.  My accountability partner is compassionate, honest and forthcoming.  She holds no punches with me.  I feel comfortable talking to her about EVERYTHING because I know she won’t shame or judge me but most important she will tell me what I NEED to hear to make me a better person.  I have said this before and I will say it again. When choosing an accountability partner it is important that you choose someone that will be honest and tell it like it is.  Chances are you won’t get far with an accountability partner who tells you what you want to hear and never challenges you to grow!

Bonus:  There’s a difference between telling it like it is and shaming.  I learned the hard way that some people thrive on shaming/judging people.  It’s just who they are.   Their negative body language and words simply leave you feeling worse than you did before telling them your story.  Protect your energy and your inner peace.  Stop sharing!  

P.S. – Why keep putting yourself through unnecessary shame and guilt by sharing with people who refuse to address your concerns and feelings with respect and compassion?  Think about it.

I say this time and time again that you MUST be mindful of who you share your personal/private life with. Some people pretend to be interested in your well-being but really only want to know your business, judge you and then later tell other people about it in one huge gossip session.  I will pass!   They usually tell on themselves by their overt lack of concern and instantly shutting you down when you try to express your feelings when you talk to them. Trust me, I learned the hard way!

    Implement a Self-Care Routine.


Self-care is non-negotiable.  The END.

 How can you take care of others yet do yourself the disservice of not taking care of yourself?  That is NOT self-love.   Although your intentions mean well when it comes to taking care of others, you have to learn to take care of yourself no matter what.  Schedule a monthly massage, get your nails done, take a hot, relaxing bath accompanied by FlowEsScents soy candles and body scrubs (shameless plug).  JUST DO IT!!

If you have children, finding “me time” can be challenging but it can be done.  Implement a daily, weekly or monthly (whatever works best for you) self-care routine even if it is something small like sipping on a cup of chamomile tea and reading a good book while the children are in bed. That is self care.  I recall my mother always making time for herself when we were kids.  She ALWAYS maintained her bi-weekly hair appointments and retail therapy.  We would stay home with my father while she enjoyed her time away.  I have four brothers so imagine the craziness in our household as kids! There was never a dull moment.   What I learned from my mother is that no matter how busy life gets, take time for YOU.

I find that peace and tranquility are my best friends.  Sometimes after a long week, I will  turn the TV off and meditate.  I lay on my bed and zone out.  I let my thoughts roam freely.  I pay attention to my thoughts, feelings and emotions.  Meditating helps me to clear my mind and refocus after interacting with all the diverse energies that are released into the atmosphere from the general public (I am an introvert-people drain me). I swear nowadays a simple customer service phone call can totally take me out.  Customer service just isn’t what it used to be and getting a clear answer or a resolution to a problem can be just as difficult as trying to read hieroglyphics.  I digress.

 Regroup when necessary.  This includes in real life AND pseudo-real life like social media…ESPECIALLY social media.  I will discuss that in a later blog.

       Listen to Music.


I’m not talking about sad love songs or music that will keep you feeling like you have just taken permanent residence into the “sunken place”.  P.S. UNLESS IT IS MARY J. BLIGE! I’m talking about some Pharrell -Happy ,  Beyonce – Formation (I love Bey!)  and Bruno Mars 24K Magic are the songs you should be listening to.  That’s the kind of music that makes me want to jump out of my car and JAM!!  There are some songs that instantly change your mood like the above mentioned ‘Happy’ (I just love Pharrell!!!!). I swear I can be in a funk and as soon as that song comes on my mood changes.   I won’t even begin to tell you what happens when I hear Beyonce’s Formation or Run the World (Girls). Yall know I love that girl! She is amazing!  I am pretty sure people driving by think I am having some sort of fit in my car (lol).  Music inspires me and even allows your mind to drift off and escape reality for 3-4 minutes.  Music is therapy.  I LOVE MUSIC!! IT SETS ME FREE!   

 Seek Spiritual Healing/Guidance.


There’s nothing more refreshing than a good foot stomping, hand-clapping, tambourine playing Sunday morning church service. I feel uplifted and renewed.  I feel like I can take whatever comes my way.   I feel awakened, inspired and empowered.   I can recall Sunday sermons that speak directly to me and my life issues. I knew that God was speaking to me through the preacher.  It is the best feeling ever!  Knowing that I am not alone and that there are others who are dealing with life just like me and pressing their way gives me strength to move forward in life.  I grew up in a Pentecostal church and we were always taught that no matter how hard life gets, pray and the Lord will give you strength for the journey.  I still live by this.  I am not fully there in my spiritual walk but I am aware of the fact that God is love and when we are in a tough spot, He gets us through no matter where we are in life.  Sometimes God allows tough times so that we can get closer to Him.

P.S.: I recognize that you may not share the same spiritual/religious beliefs as me so whatever your higher power is, I encourage you to tap into it.  

Hang Out with Friends.


There’s nothing I love more than hanging out with my girls.   We share a close bond and each of us have grown over the years.  If you don’t have friends, get some.  I can honestly say that hanging out with friends helps me forget about my troubles and truly live in the moment of fun and good times.  Although I am a SEVERE introvert, I enjoy going out with friends.  When you are dealing with a breakup or life stressors, getting out and having some fun always  helps tremendously.  I am older now so I don’t go out as much as I used to but a cocktail or glass of wine on the patio, a Friday-after-work happy hour are a few of the things I enjoy and what better way to enjoy those things than with your close friends.  I have some amazing friends and when we get together there is NEVER a dull moment.  I forget all of my worries when I am with them.  Nothing beats a strong support system that has your back during the tough times, seen you at your worst, holds you up during your time of weakness, holds you accountable and can down shots of Patron with you!! That’s what friends are for!!

Last but Not Least…

 Remember when life gives you lemons make lemonade.  If you’re like me add a little vodka to that lemonade and be a real rockstar!! HA! I’m kidding.  Life is challenging and it doesn’t stop because we are having hard times.  It goes on.  When life throws curve balls, we have to be able to adjust, hit that sucker out the park, move past the hurt, to a home run!

 I am in an incredible space now and I can’t reiterate how fulfilled my life is now that I have accepted the fact that sh*t happens and we have to grab life by the you – know- what and keep it moving.  One of my confidants told me after one of my many post breakup emotional break downs, to make 2017 my personal b*tch and that is exactly what I did.  I have absolutely no regrets.  I am at peace.  I released the negativity that was weighing me down, took the bull by the horns and started loving myself unconditionally.  It was no cake walk and I had to take each day one day at a time.  I wanted to rush the process and just be over it. NOPE. I had to take it to the chin and face each day like a champ.  Some days were brutal other days, I could move mountains.  It’s just how it is.  But I got that blueprint and started to fix my life.  I finally made some lemonade…want some?

Was this helpful?  If so, leave me your feedback.  I would love to hear from you.

I love feedback from my readers.  Please send me an email at thehonestaquarian@gmail.com if you have any questions or simply need a listening ear.

Follow me on IG @thehonestaquarian.  You can also find me on Facebook under the same user handle.

After the Love is Gone ( The Love Story That Never Was)! 10 Reasons Why Heartbreak is Good for You.

So there I was…hurt, heartbroken, sad, angry and crying. The man I loved dearly was no longer in my life. Three years together, five years total down the drain. What made it even worse is that our perfect love story I planned to tell at our wedding would no longer happen. It was our story. It was ” meant to be.”…a life of eternal bliss. Wrong! Wrong!

The Love Story


So there I was…hurt, heartbroken, sad, angry and crying.  The man I loved dearly was no longer in my life.   Three years together, five years total down the drain.  What made it even worse is that our perfect love story I planned to tell at our wedding would no longer happen.   It was our story.   It was ” meant to be.”…a life of eternal bliss. WRONG!

The Fairytale

princess tiana

Photo credit: Buzzfeed.com

We have all been there. The monster man of our dreams comes into our lives and we KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that he is THE ONE!  We start planning the wedding, imagining how life will be as husband and wife, starting a family and madly in love. He tells you everything you want to hear.  He makes you feel like you are the only woman in the world.  You can’t imagine life without him. Right?? Geesh! Even with the lows, the love we have for that man will not allow us to give up on him.  We overlook the RED FLAGS and dismiss it as him “just being a man”. We even internalize his manipulative mind f*ckery as OUR fault.  Don’t get me wrong, we must take accountability for our role in the demise of a relationsh*t.  But just don’t internalize it as solely your fault.   Let’s keep it 100.  It takes two to tango.

 Having a broken heart doesn’t mean you are a victim.  The breakup doesn’t define you.  Remember that.

Fella’s I will not leave you out. I know you have been down this road too.  She was beautiful, she was smart, and she was kind.  She was the total package.  She was the girl Lil Boosie raps about in his song ‘I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T’. She was ALL that! You told your family and your boys about her because she made you smile. When the two of you would go out, you loved to show her off because she was THAT girl other chicks wish they could be.  She was the Beyoncé to your Jay-z… the Bonnie to your Clyde.

You loved her and wanted to make her your wife one day.  She was the woman you had been looking for after so many failed attempts at LOVE.  She was beauty, booty and brains all in one.  You’re getting older and wanted to settle down so this has to be it.  The revolving door of “relationsh*ts” was OVER!  You found your QUEEN! Not so fast!!

Game over

It’s OVER!  The LOVE is gone.  The mental checkout happened way before the physical. The love that you thought would never end is DUNZO! The DISCARD was brutal! They had been looking for a way out for a while but they didn’t want to be the bad guy so they waited for that perfect storm.  PS: The narcissist never wants to look badly in front of his family or peers.  More on that later.  The FINAL argument they started happened and they “suddenly” can’t take the relationship anymore.  Chances are that the escape plan had been set in motion weeks, maybe even months before it was actually put into action!  The disconnect rarely happens overnight. RARELY!

Do these scenarios sound familiar?  They are all too familiar for many of us who have been fortunate enough to experience heartbreak.  YES! I said fortunate.  I am going to tell you why heartbreak was good for me. Like to hear it? Hear it go!

The key to all of this is you have to be open to the process and have the desire to remain UNSTUCK in the heartbreak.  This does not mean you should ignore the feelings you have while dealing with heartbreak. NEVER deny your feelings!

  1. Heartbreak allows you to self-reflect.

You should know by now that I am all about self-reflection and accountability. Without these two entities, you will continue going around and around in the revolving door of relationsh*ts.  It’s exhausting.  When you look at the relationship for what is was and NOT for what you hoped it would be, you can accept the breakup, take OWNERSHIP of your role in the breakup and finally move on with your life.  During this time you are able to take the time to debrief the relationship and see yourself and the things you need to change so that you don’t continue repeating the same self-sabotaging behaviors in future relationships.   Exhibit A: After breaking up with my ex, I reflected on the relationship and the role I played in its demise.  I didn’t communicate appropriately at times which caused many of the arguments in our relationship.  Looking back at the heated arguments, I realize that I could have dealt with things better than I did.  Healthy communication is key.  I did ALOT of soul-searching during this time.  

PS:  Take ownership of your role in the demise of the relationship and be open to self-reflection so you don’t repeat the cycle. 

2.  Heartbreak Allows You to Focus on YOU.  

One of the greatest things that could have ever happened to me was being forced to deal with me. I was able to uncover some really deep sh*t that contributed to the negative behaviors in my relationships.  I also came to terms with the uncomfortable truth that I was allowing myself to be treated in a way that went against my core values and standards. The self-love was not there.  I had to do better.

Helpful Hint: What you choose to do post-breakup is crucial.  You can take time to focus on YOU, reflect and strive towards bettering yourself  OR you can immediately start a new situationship relationship shortly after your breakup,  bury your feelings and emotions and use the new partner as a temporary distraction.  The unresolved feelings will eventually resurface and at some point cause issues in your new relationship if they are not appropriately dealt with.  Trust me I know.  I carried so many unresolved issues and feelings into my relationships and now I am finally recognizing that it wasn’t about the other person, it was about me and the type of energy I was attracting.

I chose to focus on me and this and in the past six months I have done the following:

  • Focused on my growing business
  • Pursuing my doctorate
  • Co-hosting a podcast
  • Started my own blog

I even participated in a Twerkshop recently!  It was AMAZING!

Helpful Hint: When you are busy doing YOU, you have no time to worry about what your ex is doing and who he/she is doing it with.  You are too busy being GREAT!!!

3. They ALWAYS come back…

This one is pretty long!  In just about every relationship or situationship I have been in, the person would always come back trying to disturb my peace with their treachery once again.  By this time, I am over the relationship and the individual. But the times I wasn’t over it, I fell back into their trap.  I would be at their disposal hoping that this time around they would do right by me. I was a mess.

When “that person” comes back knocking on your “door” be it social media, emails, direct messages or seeing them out at one of your favorite spots-you have to be ready and fully armed.  I am not saying you shouldn’t let them back into your space-people do change but PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!   Put yourself first.  Understand that this person is coming back for a reason. But what is the reason?  Don’t be so quick to accept their invitation without vetting their agenda.  I have heard countless stories of breakups and the ex coming back.  It is inevitable.  It can be weeks, months or years later. In my case a month later.


CAUTION! After a break up you are likely to be in a highly intense emotional space.  Do NOT fall for the “We can still be friends” bait!

It is a trap to keep you hanging on. It is unhealthy and you MUST detach!  I had to decline several offers of friendship post breakup.  I knew it wasn’t going to turn out well for him or me if we remained friends.  I am well aware that each breakup scenario is different and some can remain friends with their exes with no issues. However,  I admonish you not to remain friends with your ex immediately after a breakup.  This delays the healing process and only hurts you more.  It was  impossible or me to remain friends with an ex when I still had strong feelings for them.

You are NOT obligated to accept this person back into your life so don’t feel obligated to entertain blocked text messages, emails or coincidental “drive bys”.   ALWAYS follow your intuition!! I could have saved myself a lot of unnecessary heartache had I just listened to what my intuition was telling me.  Keep reading…

It is up to you to act on what you NEED, rather than what you WANT.  When you act on what you need and not what you want you are less likely to resort to automated negative behavior patterns that will get you into trouble…

Exhibit B: Receiving a text message from your ex a few days before Thanksgiving telling you that you were on his mind, he is thinking about you and still in love with you. You fall for the okey doke only to be lured into a request for a pointless much needed,  face-to-face conversation for “closure” but it really all it entails are circular conversations that go nowhere, guilt-ridden I love you’s, when in fact he already has moved on with another woman before shortly after the breakup and plans to continue start a new relationship with her.  See where this is going?? Like who is REALLY getting played here?  He was playing both sides and I wasn’t going to compete with another woman for his attention or love.  Have a good day sir!!!


I refer to this type of person  as a  “fire starter” aka “relationship arsonist”! They deliberately create drama/peril in the relationship or situation at hand , run away as the situation is quickly set ablaze then blame you for the fire being started act as if they had absolutely nothing to do with this blazing inferno.  You then have to play the  “firefighter” extinguish the fire with as little casualties as possible. When the “relationship arsonist” is reminded of what they did and said to create the disharmony, they quickly project their wrongdoing as something you made them do so it’s not their fault.

4. You Recognize Your Worth/Value.

Heartbreak allows you to  determine your worth-not the other person.  For so many years I tied my worth to the person I was with.  My worth was tied to my partner’s compliments,  texts, calls, gifts, etc.  But once they did something that I didn’t like or emotionally triggered by,  I would crumble because I tied their stupidity actions or inaction to my worth. Ugh! So ridiculous.  Helpful Hint: Your worth is not valued by the actions or inaction of the other person.  After debriefing my last relationship, I knew I deserved to be treated better.  There were things that transpired in the relationship that were unacceptable.  I allowed it so I can’t blame him for what I allowed to happen over and over again. I later realized that allowing my ex to treat me poorly was a reflection on how I didn’t love myself the way I should have.  The love I had for him, overruled the love I had for myself.  That is why I allowed it.  I didn’t want to start over, or let all of the years we had been together go to waste.   I have also learned that people treat you the way they feel about themselves.

Helpful Hint: Once you know your worth, you no longer accept bad behavior and are ok with the possibility of the other person walking away because you choose to stand up for yourself. STAY WOKE!

6. Heartbreak Allows You to Appreciate “BETTER”.giphy1

Let’s face it, when you are heartbroken you may feel that the world has ended and you will never find someone like your ex .  WRONG!! Heartbreak allows you to recognize that you deserve to be treated better (I overdosed on self-awareness and self-love to get to this point.) and you can appreciate the new person who comes into your life that appreciates you,  loves, respects and treats you the way you should be treated.  There are still some good men and women out there who are looking for exactly what you are looking for.  Be patient.  I have learned that love always finds you when you aren’t even looking for it.  It just happens that way.  Even if you are actively looking for love and are fortunate enough to find it, that is great!

Breakups happen for a reason and even though you may still have feelings for your ex it doesn’t mean that life doesn’t and will not go on after them.  Life goes on! Trust me!

7.  Heartbreak Builds Inner -Strength and Resilience.


One of the hardest things I had to endure after breakup is recovering.  I had to pick up the broken pieces and MOVE ON! I had no choice.  The decision was made and even though I knew it was for the best, my heart didn’t want to let go.  I knew deep down inside that this was a journey that I had to go solo.  He couldn’t come with me.  He had his own issues that he needed to focus on.  Whether he chose to fix himself or not was his deal.   I knew I had to fix ME.

The last time I saw my ex was during the Thanksgiving holiday.  We exchanged text messages everyday while he was in town visiting and we met up one final time. It was like old times again.  We talked, drank wine, talked about something we both loved…music.  It felt so right. I felt that maybe what we had could be fixed.  See it wasn’t just about the relationship, I didn’t want to start over.  I knew the relationship was over but three years in, five years total and the planning we made about finally being in the same state, I couldn’t let that go to waste and let someone else profit from my loss.

This past Thanksgiving holiday was the last time I saw him but it wasn’t the last time I communicated with him.  I was so used to him being in my life EVERY holiday in some way or another.  The attachment was strong. Christmas, New Years and Valentine’s Day were holidays I looked forward to even though we weren’t not always together due to the distance.  The emotional connection we had surpassed distance.   A month after our breakup I detested those same holidays.   It was so hard getting through Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day without him.  It was BRUTAL!


THEN IT HAPPENED!! One day I woke up  and told myself that I would not shed another tear, dwell on the past or question my new normal.  I was taking the breakup personally. I was making it about him.  I was weakened by the sting of the heartbreak and felt vulnerable.   I had to dig my heels into the ground and stand firm in the fact that I was going to be a better person once this was all said and done.   I knew this journey would NOT be easy but it would definitely change my life for the better and it did.  I am changing my thought patterns, choosing how to RESPOND and not REACT to any given situation and simply putting more efforts into being the woman I was destined to be. I can’t reiterate how the trials and tribulations I went through were for my good.   I’m pretty sure I would be the same self-doubting, self-sabotaging, easily angered, whoa-is-me victim person had I not been heartbroken.

8. Heartbreak is the Catalyst that Ignites the Flame of Self- Love.


When we experience heartbreak we are able to redirect the love we once gave to our ex-partners to ourselves.  Think about how wonderful it feels when you are in love with someone.  It  feels great doesn’t it? Just imagine if you took that same love and gave it to yourself.  When I am in love, I get butterflies in my stomach knowing I am going to spend time with my partner.  You should get that same feeling when you spend time with yourself.

The first few months after my breakup were very difficult for me.  I spent countless amounts of time texting, talking on the phone, writing in my journal about what I was experiencing.  I was in so much pain.  The life I had planned was no more and I had to start all over.  Starting over after you have spent 5 years building with someone you deeply loved and cared about, only to see it all crumble into pieces was nerve-wracking for me. I knew that I would be okay eventually but that seemed like an eternity.

I had to put on my big girl panties and reassert my position in my own life.  It was no longer about him-it was about ME! The self-love I denied myself of was overshadowed by the love I was giving to my ex.  After the breakup, I recognized and embraced my worth. I had to own up to the fact that I was seeking validation from someone who was seeking validation as well.  What a mess!  As I dealt with my feelings and focused on me,  I stopped allowing my self-worth to be validated from the outside.  Often times in our relationships we place too much value on the other person and not ourselves.  I am guilty of this.

I focused so much energy on him that I started to lose myself.  I knew that this relationship was going in the wrong direction if things didn’t change.  Little did I know that the change I was thinking   Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t some doormat or walking around sad and depressed.  I definitely stood up for myself when something wasn’t right but I allowed things to happen in the relationship that reflected how I felt about myself.  I kept telling myself things would change.  Did I mention this was a long-distance relationship??  More on that later.   When I started to love myself, an amazing transition happened.  I felt better, the heaviness I carried for so many years was gone.  I felt like a new person!  I wish I made this transition a long time ago but it happened when it was supposed to because I was open to the process.  I wasn’t open years ago.

I am loving this “me” time and developing a strong relationship with someone who makes me so happy…ME!

9.  Heartbreak Brings about Gratitude.


It can be challenging finding the good in a bad situation.  I was going through so much at one time and all I could see was the bad.  I had to snap out of it and think about all of the things going right in my life.  I  was gainfully employed, in good health, I have reliable transportation,  a roof over my head, a loving family and all of my needs are met.  Everyday I tried to find the good around me.  Gratitude was instrumental in my recovery from my breakup. It made me happier and I constantly take  an account of the things I am grateful for.   I took into account that so many people are hurting besides me.  When I think about all of my blessings in my life, I find it easier to navigate through this thing called life.   There is a saying that we don’t have control over the cards we are dealt but we are obligated to play the heck out of the cards we are dealt.  Life happens and we have to move forward.  Being grateful helps me move forward and appreciate the good in my life.  Check out more on gratitude here.

10. Heartbreak offers new beginnings.


I have heard many people say they hate starting over after a breakup.  They don’t want to have to go through the process of starting over with someone new.  They dread having to go through the “weeding out” process before they find ” the one”.  That type of mentality is why so many people stay in bad relationships.  They would rather deal with the familiarity of being with this person because they have been together for so long, invested their time, their emotions, feelings, finances, etc. into this relationship.  I mean you worked hard to get where you are-even if the relationship is bad.

I too felt this way when I broke up with my ex.  One of my first thoughts was that I am almost 40 years old.  I am running out of time!  I am supposed to be married, have children, do this, do that.  Not true.   Society has taught us to place time limits on EVERYTHING!  We get so preoccupied with time that we don’t enjoy the moment at hand!  I say this to say that starting over has nothing to do with time.  Embrace where you are.  There is nothing wrong with being 40 years old, unmarried, no kids and starting over.  It is better to start over and do it right the next time around than to waste time in a bad relationship.

Starting over has given me a new sense of being and purpose.  I was able to take much needed time to work on me and uproot a lot of “stuff” that was weighing me down and replace it with self-love, patience and compassion.   I have a new identity.  I am no longer that insecure person that felt that the world was against me so I always had to approach every situation with my guard up.  I no longer take everything personally.  These things are all self-discoveries that occurred all because I had to start over.  Since starting over, I have a more solid foundation when it comes to how I foster new relationships in my life.

In conclusion: Love is awesome. I love LOVE! I love seeing couples in love. Thing is, you never know what that couple has gone or currently going through to be where they are.   Being in love with someone is like being on a natural high. You can’t imagine your life without them.  Then the moment comes, you actually have to live your life without them. What next?  How do you move on?  It is not easy and there are no simple answers as to how one moves on after heartbreak.  It took me some time and a lot of back and forth with my ex before I finally got the courage to move on and work on myself.

Heartbreak is awful and it really sucks but I’m glad I went through it.  It was the catalyst that sparked the fuse of self-love, self-awareness and just being a total bad@$$! 2017 has already started out being an awesome year for me and I am so excited for all that is to come.

I know this blog was extremely long but I had so much to say and I really want to help someone.  Breakups are hard and it isn’t something that you get over in a week or a month.  It takes time.  No matter how long it takes always put yourself first.  Apply the 10 steps in this blog and watch your life change!!

Until next time…

The Honest Aquarian

Follow me on IG @thehonestaquarian!

The Power of Self-Awareness…Know Thy Self. Part II

Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog.  I appreciate the love and positive feedback I received regarding last week’s blog post on self-awareness.  Opening myself up and sharing my journey was scary but I am glad I did it.  I am pleased knowing that someone was positively affected by my blog.   Again, thank you!

Last week’s blog I wrote about self-awareness and how I came to actual self-awareness after some challenging life events.  I hope that last week’s blog was insightful and helpful to you.  Let’s get started!!

The Emotional Trigger Finger

emotional triggers

So let’s talk about IT.  Emotional triggers.  Yes “the thing” that get us going-“the thing” that pushes our buttons.   The sore spot within us that causes us to feel “some type of way” about ourselves based on what someone says or does.  Emotional triggers are the stories we create in our mind that someone is not honoring or acknowledging the very thing(s) that makes us special.   Emotional triggers often stem from our own unresolved issues and insecurities.  Exhibit A:  When I feel dismissed or ignored, I get upset.  I feel upset because I feel unheard and rejected.   What I just did was “unpack” the emotional trigger.   When you feel emotional triggers it is essential your feelings at that moment.   I can recall past experiences where being ignored and dismissed made me feel rejected and devalued.  As I grew older I carried that pain with me.  Each offense gradually snowballed that emotional trigger.

NOW I know that when I am ignored or dismissed, it isn’t something I should take personally.  No, it doesn’t feel pleasant being ignored or rejected BUT I don’t remain stuck in those feelings.   I move on.  Perhaps that person had other things on their mind and didn’t even hear me.  Maybe they received some terrible news prior to engaging with me and they are not present mentally.  However, sometimes people are real jerks and will do and say sh*tty things that to  you to feel superior (again, that is their “stuff” not yours).  Fun Fact: IT’S NEVER ABOUT YOU!!   Don’t internalize the offense!  This is all apart of the journey.

This journey takes time and effort.


When dealing with emotional triggers, I have to make the conscious effort to work through my emotions and not give into them by responding out of anger or to resort to victimizing myself in a situation.   Whenever I feel emotionally triggered, I give myself permission to disengage and allow myself the personal space to deal with my feelings.  I “feel the feels.”  I used to feel bad about disconnecting, but I don’t anymore.   Disengaging helps me maintain my sanity.  I will NOT apologize for protecting my peace!   I thought that I had to pretend to be OK when I wasn’t.  Again, people who genuinely understand self- awareness and in touch with their emotions and feelings will understand.  Those who don’t get it will tell you to get over it or dismiss it and tell you not to feel that way.   I hate it when someone says to me not to feel what I am feeling!  Let me live!!

PS: Sometimes the ones close to us don’t know what to say so there intentions are genuine in trying to help you manage. They may say things that seem insensitive when they are really trying to help.   Don’t take it personally. 

I digress..the times that I felt dismissed or ignored, I would immediately internalize the offense and deem it as something wrong with me and say to myself Why else would this person reject me?  In some situations, I would lash out and get upset with the person who dismissed me.  After digging deep into the recesses of my past, I realized that there were events that had taken place where being dismissed hurt me and I never let it go. I continued to allow being dismissed or ignored plague me to the point of always being “on guard” or looking for dismissive behaviors from others.  Last week, I had at least 3-5 emotionally triggers, and I had to deal with those triggers one by one.  I hated it!! Processing all of those feelings was mentally exhausting.  But it gave me the opportunity to look within and try to resolve the inner conflict that was going on within me. Major Key Alert: Nobody I mean nobody can make you feel sad, angry, or disappointed.  It is a choice! Don’t remain stuck in those feelings! Moving forward should always be the goal.

Recognize and process your feelings.


Pretending that you are not bothered or dismissing your feelings is NOT healthy and it delays your personal growth!  As I stated earlier, do NOT let others force you to move past your true feelings.  If you need to step away and regroup, do that.  PS: Be mindful of the energy YOU bring into every situation.  Nobody wants to be around a Debbie Downer either!   It is OK to feel the way you are feeling.  However, try not to remain stuck in those feelings.  When recognizing emotional triggers, it can feel uncomfortable and you may want to to run from what you are feeling, Don’t run! Sit with the feelings, process those feelings and try to uncover the source of the trigger.

Major key alert: The key to self- awareness is being open-minded and transparent. Self-awareness is knowing YOURSELF.  

So how does one become self-aware?



Take personal Inventory.


The first thing you can do is…take some time to do a personal inventory.  Taking personal inventory is acknowledging the areas of your life that are in balance as well as being honest enough with yourself to identify the areas of your life that are out of balance. You must be open to the process  or it WILL NOT work for you. The first thing you must toss out of the window is your ego/pride. Self-awareness is null to the ego-ridden individual.

Some areas of your life that you can take personal inventory are:

  • Job/Career – Are you satisfied with your current job/career path?  
  • Finances – Do you manage money well? Do you get stressed out when dealing with your finances?  
  • Relationships – Do you maintain healthy relationships with your family, friends, spouse/significant other?  How do you handle interpersonal conflict? 
  • Emotional/Mental/Physical Well Being – How do you cope with stress? How well do you take care of your body? Is exercise important to you? Do you maintain a well-balanced healthy diet? 

 Exhibit B: When I am overwhelmed, I get anxious and stressed out. I know this about myself so when I have too much going on in my life,  I take a step back and re-examine my life at that moment.  I ask myself what is a priority right now? What can wait?  PS: I have learned it IS okay to say NO!  By re-examining my life and how I can improve is how I take personal inventory.  I  also pay attention to the physiological responses within my body when I am stressed.  When I feel overwhelmed or stressed, my heart beats faster, my breathing accelerates and my stomach drops.  I feel like I am  starting to unravel at this point.  It is at this moment when I know I must slow down and re-calibrate. Self-care is important.  Paying attention to your body and how it reacts to emotional triggers is essential when trying to manage your responses to the triggers.

Let’s switch gears a bit.  

So now you have taken personal inventory, you recognize your triggers and you are good to go…right?  WAIT!! NOT SO FAST!  What about the things about yourself you don’t see…your blind spots.


 Blind spots are the areas of ourselves we don’t see, but others see in us.  For example, I was going through a complicated situation a few months ago.  I was an emotional wreck.  I rounded up the troops and had an emotional breakdown about what I thought was the end of the world.   I would give a play by play of the events that brought me up to that moment.  As this person listened to me cry a river of broken-hearted tears and sadness, she said something that made me stop in my tracks. It was very profound and made me think hard.  Initially, her words were hard to hear, and I even got upset because I felt like she was too hard on me considering how poorly I was feeling at the time.

I did not want to accept what she just told me about myself but I knew she was right.  I recalled several times I have displayed this particular behavior she was calling me out.  A couple of months ago, my mother called me out on another blind spot.  Again, I was aware of my physical actions when triggered but didn’t recognize that it was a behavior pattern I had formed in every similar situation.  Exhibit C:  When I commit to do something for or with someone, and the person(s) says or does something that offends me in some way, I get upset,  withdraw my commitment,  and isolate myself.  Horrible I know!

PS:  I experienced this same blind spot last week and caught myself. (See!! I was self-aware!).  I allowed myself to feel upset and frustrated at that moment.  After the negative feelings passed, I felt better and no longer wanted to REACT and do or say something I would regret.  Helpful Hint: This is why you should NEVER send a text or an email when you are upset!  Emotions are temporary.   The more I practice sitting with my feelings, the easier it is for me to move on from negative feelings and perceived offenses to a more centered and blissful life.

I did not realize that I was behaving like a maniac this.   Physically,  I was aware of my actions as they occurred but subconsciously I wasn’t aware that this was a pattern I was continuously carrying out whenever the same situation would arise.  When my mom told me about myself at first,  I became upset and defensive.  I didn’t want to be called out on my “stuff” yet again!  I was still being a victim to my circumstances and I wasn’t in the mood to hear another ego-shattering criticism.  After I calmed down,  and UNPACKED the message, I had to acknowledge the fact that she was right.  Mother is always right!  Helpful Hint:  When confronted with your blind spots try not to be defensive!  Even if you don’t agree with it.  Process it.  Feel it.  Be honest with yourself.  Most of the time, the person telling you about your blind spots is trying to help you, not hurt you.

I still struggle with emotional triggers.  I continue to do the work!!   But now I am able to process those feelings and be honest with myself when I feel those emotional triggers.  PS: Emotional triggers do go away (with time).  Practice makes perfect.  When you feel emotionally triggered, sit with it, process it and then let it go!


Acceptance is crucial to this process might I add! It is also very uncomfortable.  It is not to say you have to accept every negative thing someone brings to you about who you are.  We don’t see ourselves through the same lens as our romantic partners, colleagues, friends, and loved ones.  They see the good and the not so good things in us that we aren’t aware.  I am so thankful for my village that continually reminds me how awesome I yet call me out on my ridiculousness.  Again, we are talking about people who genuinely love you and have your best interest at heart.

Thanks guys for indulging me once again and taking this journey with me.  I love sharing my journey with you because it helps me navigate my way through this journey but most importantly, it is helping others as well.

I will not leave you empty-handed.  You can read more about emotional triggers here.

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.  I would love to hear from you!!

Don’t forget to follow me on IG @thehonestaquarian!

Continue reading “The Power of Self-Awareness…Know Thy Self. Part II”

The Power of Self-Awareness…Know Thy Self! Part 1

To know yourself is to be self-aware.

Fall 2016 my life went into shambles! I was at an all-time low. It wasn’t easy, but I slowly but surely picked myself up and got my ish together. I can’t take all of the credit. I have some pretty amazing women in my circle who held me up when I was down.  The numerous phone calls, emotional breakdowns, and vent sessions were my daily regimen. Instead of harboring negative feelings/emotions, I decided to write. Writing is indeed one of my many passions. It is a form of therapy I have grown to utilize when I feel the need to release. I started this blog because I am on an incredible journey right now.

The insanity that was once apart of my life is now my story…my blessing.  Had these things not occurred, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I would still be somewhere mad, upset and feeling that life was unfair to only ME. I was carrying on like I was the only one in the world with problems. Yikes! Just thinking about it makes me cringe. The obstacles that brought my life to a standstill was only the beginning of my journey to self-awareness. I have a lot to say, and I want to share my story with anybody who has a listening ear. I wrote this blog to let you know that it is never too late to change or be better than you were yesterday.

I want this blog to change someone’s life for the better so if one person finds some kind of life-changing nugget from this, I have done my job! I am not an expert…just rich in life experience. This blog is the first of my self-awareness series. I am an Aquarius; we are natural humanitarians and LOVE to help people. I am also an introvert and hide from people! How crazy is that? HA! Ok, let’s get this party started! Ready, Set, GO!!

Life’s Challenges Are a Catalyst to Self-Awareness


Fall 2016 my life went from sugar to sh*t real quick!!! I was dealing with a lot of personal issues such as my job, my relationship and making matters worse; I was slowly recovering from a myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) in July. My life was in complete shambles! I watched every aspect of my life crumble right before me, and I felt like I had no control over what was happening to me. I felt like a helpless victim to my circumstances and that nobody could ever understand my life and my issues. I was a mess! I couldn’t understand why my life had taken such a downward spiral so quickly.

I consider myself to be a very RESILIENT person who can manage stressful situations well but this I couldn’t shake. It was like LIFE was the bowling ball, and I was one of the pins. I felt knocked down! The STRIKE of anger, disappointment, failure and hurt hit me all at once. Why me? I was living in a state of reactivity.

I finally decided that I was going to navigate through my life’s challenges the best way I knew how so I had to come to a complete STOP, take a good look at myself and dig DEEP!!! It was painful, uncomfortable and scary. It still is. Did I mention it is excruciating and uncomfortable?? It was during this time I began my journey-the journey to true self-awareness.

           What is Self Awareness?  Look in the Mirror.

beyonce shining

Self-awareness is merely the awareness of SELF. To be self-aware is how we perceive what motivates us, our strengths, weaknesses and character, personality, thoughts, and emotions. You can also find more info about self-awareness here. Take a few minutes to reflect on how these variables make up your views on your self-awareness and how they currently affect your life. Remember this is about YOU. What immediately comes to mind? Helpful Hint: The journey to self-awareness is no cake walk. You will have highs and lows. You will uncover some things that may cause uneasiness and discomfort, but it doesn’t stop there. If you allow the process to work and slowly peel back the layers that you were once incognizant of, you will start to see yourself as the remarkable person that you are.

Let’s dig a little deeper shall we?


  • What does my character say about me?
  • What do others say about me?
  •  What motivates me?
  • What are my goals and ambitions?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What area(s) of my life could be improved?
  • What things do I value in life?
  • How do I feel about myself?

Self-Awareness = Introspection

Self-awareness forces us to examine our thoughts and feelings, also known as introspection.  As you read this blog, take time to answer the questions about yourself. If you can’t answer the questions now, make the time to answer them later in a quiet space (no distractions). Introspection aka “soul searching” allows you to think about how you process your own thoughts and behaviors. I strongly encourage you to document your answers in a journal or note cards so you can refer back to it later and see your progress. Introspection is one of many steps in self-awareness. It is like you are interviewing yourself for that dream job-a BETTER YOU!

What Self-Awareness is NOT…

Being self-aware is not the absence of mistakes,but the ability to learn and correct them. ~Daniel Chidiac


So… we talked about the good, let’s talk about the bad. Do you know someone who ALWAYS blames other people for the things that go wrong in their life? EVERYTHING is because of someone else! They are never wrong, make no mistakes or take ownership for their actions. Sadly, individuals who behave this way have not dealt with their “stuff” and didn’t want to face the music of  accountability.  Accountability for some is a huge blow to the ego, so blame-shifting helps them avoid having to walk around with a bruised ego, hence allowing them to stand tall in their falsified sense of importance. *We will talk about that in another blog post.*

Be Honest…With Yourself!

Do you find yourself blame-shifting your mistakes or issues on to others when something negative happens in your life?  Statements like ” If my husband would just listen to me I wouldn’t have cursed him out yelled at him.”  or “It’s not my fault that I am perfect people don’t understand me or accept me for who I am!” I was very guilty of this in my younger years. I didn’t want to assume responsibility in arguments with family members, relationships, friendships, colleagues, you name it.  I was a mess!  I didn’t want to feel sorry about what I did due to my own insecurities and fragile ego so shifting blame allowed me to feel like a victim justified in my actions. I never had to be wrong about anything I said or did because people were doing things to ME!   As I got older and wiser, I  recognized  that I was a HUGE part of the problem. But before I came to the realization I was the problem,  I continued living this way for years.  I didn’t want to take ACCOUNTABILITY for what happened in my life.  However, I was accountable for my life. PERIOD.  It had absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.   Blame shifting only made me a victim! It was comfortable and EASY!

Major Key Alert!!


The key to overcoming self-victimization is being brutally honest yet kind to yourself! Helpful Hint: Being hard on yourself is counterproductive to the process.  Please be kind to yourself.   PS: DO NOT allow others to be hard on you or shame you while you are going through the process!!!

Choose wisely when it comes to confiding in the masses about your journey.  

Some will understand, some may not. The people who understand your journey are usually high in self-awareness so they appreciate your journey and will support you. They will be honest with you and come from a place of empathy and compassion. Those who do not understand or downplay your journey most likely have their own unresolved “stuff” and chances are they are not functioning from a space of self-awareness. They will most likely tell you to “Just get over it!” OR ” You are just too sensitive.” OR try to shame you for your feelings and expressing them. Helpful Hint: Sometimes people who tell you to just get over it tend to suppress their own feelings and live in a state of emotional avoidance.   This is not true for all cases but in my personal experiences it was the common denominator when it came to those who told me to just “get over it”.

At some point, you WILL get over it but with TIME. This journey is not a race, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up when you see yourself falling back into old habits. Change takes time and effort. Studies show that it takes at least 66 days for a pattern to become ingrained. So don’t be hard on yourself when you don’t see immediate changes. Remember you have been behaving and thinking a certain way for years!

I confided in a close friend about how badly I felt about reacting to a situation last week. Someone did something I didn’t like, and it emotionally triggered me. I spoke with my friend about it and started getting down on myself. She told me something so profound! She said to me, ” It’s all a process!! You don’t grow overnight.  The fact that you are in such a healthier, happier place in 3 months time is amazing!! It takes years sometimes for people to get to where they want to be.  Be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished.  It’s a journey…not a race!!!  Grow in it and it stays with you for life!!” SHE totally gets it!

It took time and me talking to a therapist (I will talk about this in part 2) about my “stuff” before even getting to this point. I have been this way for 39 years so changing my old thoughts and behaviors won’t change overnight. I am taking baby steps and celebrating my accomplishments as they come.


I sincerely hope this blog has helped you in some shape or form. I am not an expert, but I do speak from experience. Next week’s blog (part 2) will discuss emotional triggers (the things that remind us of past painful events) and how self-awareness helps identify our triggers.

I would  love to hear from you.   Please post a comment below and tell me what you think about today’s topic.

Follow me on Instagram @thehonestaquarian

Photo credit: Vevo.com